Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well. It’s been quiet here again and I’m sorry. We’ve had two round of sicknesses tear through the house since my last post and trying to have the energy to do much is not happening very well. With Fibromyalgia my energy is already not great, but lately it’s been […]
A New Year, with new chances
Surviving the Pandemic and Mental Exhaustion.
Hi guys, I know I don’t write as often as I used to. I’m trying to get back to it slowly yet surely, but the mental exhaustion of going through a lot of things. I know that everyone is going through a lot with the pandemic and the state of the world lately. Even though […]
A Quick Seattle Getaway and Daiso Goodies!
Hi everyone! I’m home! Did you miss me? Heh…heheh.. I went to the Seattle area with my mom, dad and little sister. Dad did all the driving, which was good and bad at the same time. Good because it meant no stress of trying to navigate and drive all that myself, and bad because I’m […]
Going Gluten Free
After talking with a girl in my dance class who is working to become a nutritionist, I was left wondering if indeed perhaps I was having issues with Gluten. Perhaps that is where a lot of my health problems and symptoms from over the years have been from? Well, after more research I’ve decided I […]
Oh Monday…
It is indeed Monday! I’ve felt grouchy since I woke up, and then struggled to get the somewhat melted and then refrozen snow off of the van windshield. It’s almost March universe, can we stop with the snow please? I can’t wait until summer! After I got the only two kids well enough for school, […]
What a week.
It’s hard to believe it’s already Friday. At the same time I couldn’t be more happy for the weekend. If only because I have a massive amount of reading I need to do in order to get my next assignment done for East Asian History and Civilization. Alright, and I want an excuse to sleep […]
'Good morning mama'
Ehhhh! I would not suggest going to bed at 2:30AM when you know that you have to be up at 8:15AM in order to go and have a 3 hour long lecture at school! More so when it means that you’ll be so tired that you don’t actually get out of bed until 8:30, and […]
Weary Wednesday
It’s been a rough start to the week, the first few days after the kids get back from the ex-hs tend to be particularly trying for my poor DS. He struggles with the transition and, I myself struggle with his struggling. On top of that, the stress managed to delay my ‘cycle’ by a good […]
Weekend Tales and Monday Musings…
Ahh Mondays. Could there be a more hated day in the week? I started off my Monday but not being able to sleep until shortly after 1:00AM. I say ‘not being able to sleep’ and mean that my brain decided that despite my body feeling like it wanted to do nothing more than slip away […]