I am insanely harsh on blenders. I actually broke four of them in the span of three years! It’s not that they last and then they just quit. Often, I break them a few months into having them and then just refuse to buy one, or got teased into not buying a new one. ‘Tch, […]
Oster BCBG08-C Bleder Review
Giveaways posted!
I’ve posted 4 giveaways to the giveaway page today. One of them ends tomorrow/today depending on where you are. There is a Kitchenaid Mixer giveaway, which is the one that ends today. Next up is a SodaStream starter kit, ending on 1/26/12. After that there is a 40″ Plastma TV giveaway ends up 1/29/12 Next […]
The snow can go now. Plus a new section and giveaways added!
The snow fell far too much this week. Despite the fact that even the college was closing classes, the public schools decided that they needed to have school regardless. My car wouldn’t started Wednesday morning as I’d managed to run out of gas on the drive home Tuesday. Yikes. So I ended up not taking […]
YAY! Yay! Giveaway: Win a Kindle Fire!
DailyScoup’s Blazing Hot Giveaway – WIN a Kindle Fire!!! Daily Scoup is hosting an exciting contest just for us, for one of the hottest items on the market- the Kindle Fire! Their DailyScoup’s Blazing Hot Giveaway – WIN a Kindle Fire Contest is designed to help you monetize your blog […]
What Is Is
Just a quick note: I didn’t write this originally. This is from a book, or a website, I can’t remember which actually, and was printed and given to me by my last therapist. ((Meaning, the one I saw before my current.)) I have this page taped to the wall right above my main monitor, and […]
Oh wow…
Withdrawals are positively horrible. No, I am not trying to wean off of any street drug, nor am I attempting to wean myself off of alcohol. I am in the process of changing anti-depressants under the guidance of a medical professional. But the withdrawals are still knocking me on my rear! We started with a […]
Weary Wednesday
It’s been a rough start to the week, the first few days after the kids get back from the ex-hs tend to be particularly trying for my poor DS. He struggles with the transition and, I myself struggle with his struggling. On top of that, the stress managed to delay my ‘cycle’ by a good […]
Weekend Tales and Monday Musings…
Ahh Mondays. Could there be a more hated day in the week? I started off my Monday but not being able to sleep until shortly after 1:00AM. I say ‘not being able to sleep’ and mean that my brain decided that despite my body feeling like it wanted to do nothing more than slip away […]
Giving this all a shot.
~^_^ Welcome to my blog, this first post will be far from exciting, it’s just a place holder so I don’t have the standard ‘delete this because this is wordpress bleh’ entry. My blog isn’t just about being a mom. It’s about a little of everything all wrapped up into the package that is me. […]