As summer comes to an end, kids go back to school, and the weather turns colder, we start to prep for the hustle and bustle of the many holidays that occupy autumn and winter. Like many people, I enjoy fantastic treats and many of them I tend to enjoy mostly seasonally. So for me […]
Z. Cioccolato Fudge – HGG 2023
$150 PayPal Cash Fabulous Fall Giveaway!
Happy fall everyone! It’s been awhile since a giveaway was posted here, but I thought I’d get back into that once again! This time you can win $150 via paypal! Welcome to the $150 PayPal Cash Fabulous Fall Giveaway! 1 Winner HOSTS: JENNS BLAH BLAH BLOG & PINK NINJA BLOG Our co-hosts for this giveaway […]
Finding Relief and Comfort with the help of Ball of Foot Cushions
Many people love their shoes, but getting pain when walking can really put a damper in the love of being active day to day. Activities like walking, running, dancing, and simply going about our daily activities can all be halted when foot pain takes over. No matter if it’s due to high heels, ill-fitting shoes, […]
7 Tips For Managing Your Family’s Finances During A Career Change
Make sure your family’s finances are stable, even during a career change A career change can be an exciting time, but that excitement also comes with a little bit of stress. Especially for those supporting a family, a career change can feel like a huge financial risk. No matter why you’ve decided to make this […]
The Affordable Safety Net: Exploring the Benefits of Cheap Term Life Insurance
As you know, life is full of uncertainties, and while we can’t predict the future, we can all take steps to protect our loved ones from financial hardship once we’re no longer around. One of the most effective and budget-friendly ways to ensure their security is through term life insurance. Unlike permanent life insurance policies, […]
Managing Finances As a Military Spouse: Tips For Budgeting and Investing
Take advantage of military benefits and other investments to make sure that your family’s finances are secure As a military family, managing finances is a big responsibility. No matter if you stay at home to care for your family or you work too, managing the income received from the military can pose its own unique […]
Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves in theaters now!
As someone who has roleplayed most of her life, I am super excited to share about the just-released movie Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves. It’s in theaters today and I am thrilled to get to share that with you all! I started roleplaying when I was 9, which means I started with D&D back […]
Gold Rings as gifts
As I get older, I feel like I get a little harder to shop for. I love pretty things, but I don’t usually want overly expensive things. Still, I’ve found myself drawn to jewelry lately, in particular, I’ve been looking into rings and necklaces to wear again. I haven’t had a pretty ring to wear […]
4 High-Priority Financial Investments For Young Adults
Take full advantage of time by investing in your future as early as possible Having financial freedom as a young adult is a great feeling. Now with a full-time salary and few financial obligations, you may find that you have an excess amount of money. With a solid emergency fund and savings account in place, […]
Exercising even when you have flat feet
Like many people I have flat feet, do you have them too? I’ve had trouble with mine for many years. Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, is a condition where the arches of the feet are low or nonexistent. From what I’ve been reading lately, it can be caused by genetics, injury, or certain […]