Ahh Birthdays… Actually I kind of loathe my birthday. Once I passed the 24th year, I didn’t want to age any more. So I kind of dread this day every year. To make it even more bitter-sweet this year, tomorrow Aussie leaves. So I’ve been pretending for a bit now that March just wasn’t going […]
Happy Day!!
Guess what?! After 5 1/2 months of waiting, and waiting, and waiting…. Our petition for Aussie and I to be legally allowed to get married was approved today!! While I was in Soc class none the less!! Still, I was so excited I couldn’t help but tell my teacher at the end of it! ^_^ […]
Wordless Wednesday – Just some art
Oh Monday…
It is indeed Monday! I’ve felt grouchy since I woke up, and then struggled to get the somewhat melted and then refrozen snow off of the van windshield. It’s almost March universe, can we stop with the snow please? I can’t wait until summer! After I got the only two kids well enough for school, […]
What do you mean…
…when you say ‘I love you’? This is a question I am supposed to ask at least 5 people for my paper due in my Sociology (marriage and family) class. What do you mean when you say ‘I love you’? Is it hard to answer the question? It’s a hard question for me to personally […]
A weary week
Aussie has been here for a few days now. Actually it’s only been about two and a half in total. It feels like he just belongs here, but sometimes there is a disconnect that doesn’t work. The having spent almost a year apart physically has really given us some problems on a more personal and […]
It’s now 2:20PM PST, and in about 3 hours and 40 minutes Aussie will be home!! I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself and feel like I am going to burst with excitement! I even tried to go to bed at 10PM last night in hopes that the time would come that much easier. […]
Whitney Houston is dead?
Perhaps I am one of the last to know, but wow. I remember when I first heard her singing. I don’t remember what age I was, but I remember it. Her life was so full of up and downs and was a bit crazy, from what I saw on the covers of magazines and things […]
I've been a bit quiet.
This week has been a little hard on me. I got my grades back for my assignments last week, and instantly fell into a darker sad mood. On Tuesday I learned I got a 83.33% oh my paper for my Sociology class, and today I got a 92.**% (I forget) on my history paper for […]
Thank you so much!
I just wanted to take a second to thank each and everyone of you that entered my very first contest here on Ohayo Okasan!! The winner has been chosen, and emailed already! Congratulations to Serena M.! Winner of the $25 Amazon gc to celebrate my acing my first dance review! 😉 a Rafflecopter giveaway Don’t […]