Today, a little boy turns 7. Not just any little boy. But MY little boy. Yes, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Var… my little Ishi Kweh (a nickname that goes back to when he was a baby.) Is 7 years old. He actually was 7 as of, super early this morning. The time escapes me. […]
Happy Birthday to my son.
Wordless Wednesday: 5-23-2012
*whispers* confused? Click Here for explanation post!
Happy Birthday Bunny!
Otanjoubi Omedeto Usako!! That mean’s happy birthday Bunny. We call Lisi, Bunny! Today, Lisi turns 6!! Not ‘officially’ until her birth time at 11:57PM PST, but still. Today she is 6!! I can’t believe that my itty-bitty baby bunny is that old! @_@ Just look at how teeny she used to be! So itty bitty […]
Kat Sings in Japanese
Ohayo minna-san! Of course today I will do a Japanese lesson as well, but I wanted to share this video from a long time ago. Yes the actual recording is very poor, but this is Kat back from when she was 8 years old at the end of 3rd grade. She is singing (?????) Hamasaki Ayumi’s […]
Kat Goes Rainbow!
Well aside from Sis’s blue, Lisi has a pink streak and Kat has been begging me to get around to doing her rainbow. Minus yellow, because “I’m already blonde, so, no yellow” which was okay, I don’t know how I would have managed SEVEN colors! Six was bad enough! Well not bad, just… interesting. I […]
They can be awesome little people
My kids I mean. With my going Gluten-free to see if there were any benefits I could have from it they’ve decided they want to go gluten-free as well. Yes, even if it means they can’t eat things that they used to eat, they’re loving getting to try the things that I now can eat. […]
Ahhhh…. pbbbbtt
I’m so awful at post titles!! EEK! You know what the biggest problem with being gluten free is? Well what my biggest problem is? I don’t like to cook. And being Gluten-free requires either a lot of money on pre-packaged gluten free goods (holy moly is it expensive!), eating nothing but vegetables and fruit, or.. getting […]
I can be that grouchy mom…
…or I can do everything in my power to take control of the situation. More often than I would like to admit, I feel stressed out and completely worn out by life with four children. Yes, I know, I choose to have these children, and therefore some feel I should be grateful for every teeny, […]
Kids cookbok kits – Mexican, Chinese and Italian over at Totsy!
Today on Totsy I found these neat Handstand Kids Cookbook kits. These kits help introduce kids to the culture, language and cuisine of countries around the world. Promoting health and nutrition through fun and exciting cookbook kits, your child will confidently venture into the wonderful world of cooking. This fantastic selection includes Mexican, Chinese and Italian cookbook kits. Perfect […]
Bento Lunches
I haven’t really done much in the way for the kids’ lunches in a bit. Sure every now and again I’ve bought Lunchable’s on sale or something like that, but I haven’t really gone so far as to make them Bento’s. I figured… that I have to keep myself busy to keep myself from laying […]