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Oh man this year has been a busy and messy one.
In Mid-December I had to go to court and talk about what happened to two of the kiddos. They’ve been in counseling for what happened since Later May 2015. It’s been difficult, as Kat didn’t connect with her first therapist and we just switched about 3 1/2 months ago..
The entire experience of that has really damaged my ability to trust a lot of people, and I’ve built up a few walls to handle feelings and stress. Not a good way to handle it… but I’m trying.
I hit a huge slump in January, and it struggled on into February. When the flu started kicking all of us in turn. We’re all just now getting to be well again. With Var the last one to have something making him feel crummy.
Risi had gastroenteritis for two weeks. She spent four days throwing up, and the next 10 with issues of the “Number 2” kind. It was rough to try and keep my head above everything.
Risi had gastroenteritis for two weeks. She spent four days throwing up, and the next 10 with issues of the “Number 2” kind. It was rough to try and keep my head above everything.
My birthday was March 5th, and I wasn’t feeling very well, just wanted to sleep. But I still drove us all out to Sushi. Which took a fair bit of physical and mental energy. Risi didn’t like things she liked last time we went there. Which… was frustrating. I’m anxiously anticipating the time where she wants to eat food again and not just a few select things. I sorry she might have PICA so I am going to make a doctors appointment. She has licked chalk and taken a couple small bites (only to spit it out and go “Yuck disgusting!” over the past couple of days. So.. perhaps it’s normal and I just can’t remember the 2’s very well. To be fair.. Lisi is turning 10 in may. So it’s been a bit since I’ve done the 2’s!!
Finally did my birthday ice cream. Risi was so excited at the idea of getting an ice cream cone that she kept asking her siblings. “Kat* get ice cream cone?” “Sisi*, get ice cream cone?” “Lisi* get ice cream cone?” “Var* get ice cream cone?”
*note: she used their full names, not just their shortened ones I use online.
So I asked her, “Risi, are you gonna go get an ice cream cone?” and she answered back “Yeah, I get a ice cream cone!”
I held her up so she could see all the flavors (Thanks Baskin-Robbins (Coeur d’Alene, ID)!!) and she sampled “Wild ‘n Reckless Sherbet” and it was love. XD So she got a scoop and is very happy.
I got a single scoop of Chocolate Hazelnut. (Actually pretty good!)
Kat got 1 scoop Vanilla and 1 scoop Daiquiri ice
Sisi got 1 scoop Wild ‘n Reckless, 1 scoop Orange sherbet, and 1 scoop Daiquiri Ice.
Var got 1 school Wild ‘n Reckless and 1 scoop Daiquiri Ice
Lisi got 1 scoop Cookies and Cream, and 1 scoop Daiquiri Ice..
I will never ever understand why the kids like Daiquiri Ice. o.o;;
So.. things haven’t been all bad, just busy and stressful on the kiddo and life front in general.
My mom bought me the curvy blue haired Barbie the other day!! I’m excited because aside from being too tall (I’m short!) the Barbie is me as a doll. XD Now if only they’d make a plus-sized, petite blue haired Barbie. Then it’d REALLY be me! XD
I’m hopeful I can pull myself out of my slump a bit better soon. Saturday late I get to head off to Seattle for my first time being there with no kiddos since 2002. Yes. 14 years! XD
I’m excited to get to go shopping and looking around at things without the worry that someone will be bored or that I have to entertain someone. I’m going with my mom, my younger sister and dad. My mom and sister seem pretty enthusiastic to experience a Daiso store! I plan on going to at least two I’ve never gotten to before. :3
We’re also going to go to Ikea! Since we don’t have one near us at all, I dunno if I’ll buy anything. But I think it’ll be near to go to one. Is that… strange? *shrug*
We’ll only be there for a couple of days though, we’ll be back on Thursday sometime mid-day. A little bit of a bummer, but it should be alright overall. ^_^; Plus it means Aussie doesn’t need to take too long off work, and I’ll still have time to do things with the kiddos for spring break.
In the span of the last 24 hours… Risi has discovered how to open the front door, blast the bathroom sink and play with the soap (while I was changing my pants she got ice cream on go figure!) and open her own bedroom door (last night, when we were trying to get her to sleep.)
It’s the start of Spring Break, and I’m already a bit frazzled after a 2 hour doctor’s appt, blood draw, and meds pick up time for Kat. @_@ I bought coffee but only drank half, got out packages that I needed to ship, and just did the ice cream we talked about above.
I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break with their kiddos! Kat and Sisi want to try and go fishing, so I am going to do what I can to make that happen!
Do you have anything fun planned for Spring Break with your kids? Goodness knows I could use some ideas!
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