Disclaimer: We received one of each of the following products in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own unless otherwise specified. Thanks for understanding!!
Yummi Pouch was awesome to send along some of their Reusable Snack and Storage Bags for review along with the Yummi Pouches that I’ve previously reviewed. I have a bit of a hate for the amount of waste I knew we were creating with cheap plastic sandwich baggies. I was never sure if they could be recycled, and I had a hard time fitting in the thick sandwich containers into smaller lunch boxes. So I needed… something.
I wasn’t really sure of the idea of a reusable sandwich bag or a snack bag. Would they just get thrown away? Would they leak sauces and things? Would they be worth the time and possible effort?
Would the kids be pleased with them too?The answer was, well… yes actually. I am going to need to buy more of the sandwich bags because one is simply not enough. I love that I can throw snacks and sandwiches in a reusable bag and not have to worry about garbage. A quick rinse and a dry and these are ready to go again the next morning, super easy to clean and less garbage in the landfill!
I was also able to review the “Everything Storage Bag” from Yummi Pouch in the above pattern which they call “Sweet Chevron.”
This is currently dirty so I couldn’t take my own picture, this picture is from the website! This awesome bag is 12 x 16 inches, BPA, Phthalate, PVC and Lead-Free Nylon. It’s Moisture resistant as well, making it the perfect bag for going in the diaper bag as our ‘dirty clothes go in here’ bag. You know, for when Ris has a severe mess on her clothes from food/water/something and I need to toss the dirty clothes someplace? Yep, this is my bag for that. I also think it’d be a good ‘wet bag’ for cloth diaper users. I don’t know that for sure, but it seems like a good one!
Have you tried reusable food pouches or storage bags for lunches and things before? If not, what would make you switch? 😉
Don’t forget you can use the code PARTY4YP to get 10% off your order on their store!
You can find Yummi Pouch on Facebook and Twitter.
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