You guys know that I just LOVE subscription boxes. And ones with yummy treats are no different. So when I heard about another awesome Japanese Candy Box Free Shipping Worldwide - Japan Funbox, I had to check them out!
There are three options – Mini at $14.99/month, Original at $32.99/month, and Family at $49.99 a month.
All plans offer FREE worldwide shipping.
Mini– 5-7 items.
Original – 15-20 items, 1 DIY kit guaranteed, 1 special item (Japanese Toy, Gachapon, Special DIY, Drink, Adult Candy, etc)
Family – 25-30 Items, 2 DIY Kit Guaranteed, 2 special items (Japanese Toy, Gachapon, Special DIY, Drink, Adult Candy, etc)
Because I just wanted to try them out, I went with a mini box.
I tried to do an unboxing video, but I flubbed it up and couldn’t salvage it enough. Then I took pictures. I also forgot one item in this picture.
Morinaga Choco Flake is the item that I had set aside and Risi had gotten to. I completely spaced getting it in the picture and she wrecked the bag and we ate all the Choco Flake before I realized what I had done.
Overall the mini box felt a little disappointing. They used the full sized box (as in packaging) but only put the small amount of items in that a mini box gets. I like it better when a company uses different box sizes for their different plans. Otherwise the box feels empty. I was worried when I felt this box when we got it in the mail. It was just so… light. Visually it wasn’t too bad. But there was a lot of empty space that kind of bothered me. We got a mix of Japanese candy and snacky type food.
We originally had two of the Furuta Sequoia Matcha (green tea) candy bars. Sisi ate one and Risi had one too. I was pretty surprised at the Umaibo. Risi actually ended up liking EVERY flavor. I tried the Teriyaki Burger one, and it was actually pretty good. I try and keep an open mind when I am trying candy/snack boxes, and boxes of Japanese candy require a bit more than ones for ‘Westernized’ flavors.
I didn’t like the Tohato snow pea/pea pod crisps very much. The Calbee ones I usually get are better. ‘
The Hello Kitty strawberry biscuit sticks from Kabaya aren’t as good as Pocky to me. But Risi doesn’t care as long as I say it’s Pocky. She’s 2 1/2 so that happens.
The whistling candy I’ve had many times before, but Risi loved it. It’s fun for a little bit, but no one tends to actually eat it. We just play with the fact that is can whistle!
Overall I would recommend the mini Japan Fun Box, only if you’re looking for a small tester of Japanese candy and snacks without breaking the bank. I think I would maybe the Original and Family Plans more. I think it’s super smart of Japan Fun Box to offer treats in a bigger quantity like this.
I would give Japan Fun Box a 3/5.
It’s a great japan candy fun box review. If you want more type of fun box from fun box click here….