I know a lot of people sell a lot of stuff on line. There are so many different companies that people can sell various products from, it can make having a Facebook pretty difficult. Being added to parties at random or people trying to sell the same thing as 20 other people you know.
Thankfully for me, I only know one person who sells Perfectly Posh and that’s my friend Tara. I’ve ‘known’ her online since Kat … not even yet one? Maybe even before I had her. I can’t honestly remember. But it’s been forever.
Anyway, Perfectly Posh was founded in 2011, and they offer an assortment of pampering products. They’re naturally based, USA made, healthy skincare products.
I got a variety of sample sized items, and the Black Cherry Attack kit.
I admittedly tried the Black Cherry Attack kit first. I love the smell of Black Cherry things, particularly Black Cherry soda, which is usually just an off brand soda but who cares?
Usually I don’t take the time to pamper myself. My showers are fast, to the point, and over as fast as possible because if I take them during the day, I don’t want to take up the downstairs bathroom too long. If I take them at night I don’t want to bother anyone with the running water. Not like people notice when I’m taking a shower at 1 AM.. But.. hey.
So this time, I allowed myself to just take care of pampering myself. I LOVED the smell of the body wash, and was kind of sad that it faded off my skin after I rinsed. But man you guys! Of everything I’ve tried, I recommend the Perfectly Posh Black Cherry Attack body wash and body whip the most.
As soon as I opened the little bottle, okay and took off the little seal under the black cap, the smell was amazing. JUST like Black Cherry Soda! I almost wanted to drink it! But.. no I didn’t, it’s soap. It really made me want a soda though. >.> Sadly, like I said above it rinsed off with no smell. Bummers. I wanted a bit of a fragrance like the sites says it should have? I don’t know.
I did the Face Mask. It’s a D-Tox (detox) face mask, so I put it in while I put in my conditioner and let it sit a bit. Until that “a bit” turned into my face starting to tingle. Okay, I could handle that. But I made it maybe 2 minutes, when it says to leave it 5-10 minutes. Because it went from tingle to BURN. Ack. No thanks. Also, for a $19 dollar kit, they could use a little bottle or something to put this mask in and not an annoying crummy little packet that’s difficult to open when you’re in the bath or shower and your hands are wet. Plus you don’t need the entire packet for one use. This product… no thanks. Just the face mask though! It took a bit over a hour for my face to stop being pink and feeling angry after I got out of the shower.
Thankfully once I got out of the shower (after washing a second time with the body wash because I needed some more happy smell after burning my face! and no I did not use it on my face…) I opened up the Luxury Body Whip, and it had that beautiful Black Cherry smell I longed for once again. It didn’t say around too long, like some body butters. But it was lovely enough that for about 15 minutes I smelled it before I couldn’t no matter how much I sniffed at my arms like a weirdo.
All in all I’d give the body was a solid 4.5/5, the mask a 1/5, and the body butter a 4/5.
From there I had some samples of various different things.
I always have the hardest time actually telling how much I like something just from a single use sampler type pack. I like to experience things more than once before I go “yeah.. this is good.” Okay, unless it burns my face, and then no way.
Of the samples in this picture, I liked Sassyooma (the little around ones with the blue lid) and the fix spritz the best. I wasn’t sure I’d handle the Smashing Pumkin face mask, because it had a couple of the same ingredients as the Black Cherry mask of doom that my skin hated.
Snarky’s scent was so very “perfume” to me, and was my least favorite of everything I’ve smelled so far. Then again it is Exotic flowers and sandalwood. I don’t really like floral scents usually, so it kind of makes sense that this one just wasn’t for me.
From this picture I loved The “It” Girl hand cream a fair bit of any of the body creams. I haven’t admittedly used Gender Bender just yet, or In A New York minute.
Bee’s Knees was perfectly honey scented. I love honey scented too, my favorite hand soap ever is Milk and Honey scented. Loooove how blissful that stuff is.
All Gussied Up (the one standing, yellow, with the designs) smelled… too much lavender for me. It’s supposed to be orange blossom and lavender. But sadly it just smelled like I just inhaled from my bottle of lavender essential oils.
Night and day suffered from too much lavender as well, but not as much as All Gussied Up did. Still not my favorite product either.
There are other products that Perfectly Posh carries that I think I would love better. Those in scents more aligning with what I like instead of just a random assortment. But hey, you never know, right? Lots of people love lavender and flowers!
They offer some coconut, vanilla and even caramel products that I am going to have to try. I love all those things! Baked goods/foody type smells are my loves. <3
I’d love to try the Castaway Coconut Kit, but it comes with a face mask in one of those darn little evil pouch things of doom. Just give me a little round tub, a small bottle. Something other than those darn packets. Yes yes, I know they’re cheaper.
Have you tried any Perfectly Posh products? All products (aside $4 lip balms) are buy 5 get the 6th free. So don’t miss out on some wonderful, USA made products. I’m sure they’ll have something you love just as much as I love the Black Cherry Body Wash! heheh
The face masks are supposed to tingle and will leave your face red in most cases because it i pulling all the toxins out. Your friend should have explained that to you. Also, the sample packets are just that, samples. The regular sized packaging is more user friendly and from experience I don’t think most people use the mask sin the shower just because they are left on up to at least five minutes. Its’ all a preference thing. I would ask your friend for a sample of the Moisturize 911 to use after a mask the next time. It is very soothing and will leave your skin nice and soft. I would recommend Kale Face or Smashing Good Pumpkin as masks to try. Everyone reacts differently to different products 🙂
Well for $19 dollars the Black Cherry kit maybe shouldn’t have had a “sample packet” packet for the face mask? It seemed a little… Bit of a rip off? Other than that, I get it. I still hate those packets regardless of the company that uses them. They’re easiest to open with scissors, but places use them for shampoo and conditioner samples too and they’re a pita to open in the shower with wet hands. 😛 Nothing was really explained to me about any of the products, she asked me if I wanted to try out some things, I said sure, she sent them to me and then I used them. So… burning face sensation wasn’t really expected no. 🙂
As for using the mask in the shower, that’s true. But I was pretty tired, it was 1:30am… but I couldn’t sleep so I thought maybe if I pampered myself a bit it would help me unwind, and wasn’t thinking straight enough. I just wanted to try things out and help myself unwind. *shrug* I’ll probably skip anything meant for detoxing like that. I have a dead sea face mask that doesn’t cause my face to be uncomfortable that I’m going to stick with.
My apologies for not giving the proper explanation of everything I sent. It was my intention to go through everything when you got the box initially. I suppose it was a bit of a miscommunication on my end the times I had checked in with you about receiving the package. I could have explained everything then but I knew you weren’t read to use them and didn’t want you to forget.
It’s okay! :3 I could have looked at the website before trying anything too! I took too long to try things and I didn’t look or ask. So the blame falls on me more than anything… :/