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*whisper* I decided to get back into the Wordless Wednesday game by going ahead and putting in pictures of the kids in certain series of pics. >.> shhhh…. So today’s is entirely about Kat!

Kat loves on a kitty at the local animal shelter
Awesome pictures!
I was actually thinking about taking my kids to the local animal shelter to hang out with the animals. I think it’s a win-win for the kids and the animals.
It’s a great thing to do, just be sure to check with them if the kids might need an orientation first. Kat and I had to go through one before we could volunteer and hang out with the kitties.
Cute photos! I wanted to ask, how young is Kat? She seems to be really tall … I’m jealous.
I love her white lacy dress, too. It’s so chic and so summer-y.
R U S S recently posted…Enjoying a city home & living the good life at Ortigas Center
Kat’s 14 1/2! She wont be getting taller than she is though because she had her spine fused. She’s 5’7″ many days, some days she seems to be only 5’6.5″ hmm..
Kat is absolutely beautiful! I love these pictures. I really get a sense of her spirit! =D
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Get Bold at Steak with Outback Steakhouse | $50 Outback Giveaway
She seems like such a sweetheart! I love that she’s into animals, and I’m so happy that she’s doing well with her surgery!
Very happy that she is doing much better! Thanks for the great post and cute photo ^_^
Kinda lovin’ her hair! It’s wicked, and she’s so playful with it. Good pics, and I love a wordless wednesday post 🙂
Nancy (@spiffykerms) recently posted…Laid back California style with Prius
Kat is an absolutely beautiful and vibrant young woman! I especially love the pictures of her with the cat at the animal shelter.
Kori Tomelden recently posted…Tips for Dealing with Temper Tantrums in Public
Kat is a kindred spirit 🙂 I love cats! I’ve got a 10 year old kitty and 2 brother kitties that are 1 1/2. Glad she is doing so well!
Christy Maurer recently posted…8 Books for Summer Reading
I”m such a sucker for kid and animal photos! Your daughter is so pretty and I’m so glad she’s doing well.
Alli recently posted…Red, White & Blue Juicy Gels
Kat looks like a wonderful teenager! My kids love playing animal crossing as well! We have it on the wii!
It’s so nice to know that she is doing well now, She look so pretty on that lacy dress.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Brooke County Historial Museum and Cultural Center
So glad to hear Kat is doing great after a Spinal fusion. Wow!! I hope she continues on the healing path.
Terry recently posted…Yes!! You Can Paint The Garage Floor #DIY
It looks like she is one happy girl. Taking care of a cat is an important role and it looks like she is doing it well.
This is a really sweet collection of pictures. It’s nice to see Kat at the animal shelter and taking care of those animals; what a great teenager.
She is beautiful and how awesome that she likes to play with the local animal shelter kitties. That’s awesome. I keep trying to find a shelter that will let my daughter volunteer but they say she just isn’t old enough yet.
Melissa recently posted…Bad Neighbors Coming to a Street Near You
Cute pics! She looks like a really nice girl.
Love the lacy dress! Looks like Kat is very well on her way to an awesome summer.
Wow, I’m glad she is doing good. Russell Simmons daughter just had this same surgery.
Raijean recently posted…Outfit Post: Picnic Season is Upon Us, Check Out Mom & Son’s Picnic Style
This is incredibly sweet and I love the idea of having a post that is all pictures. Very sweet dedication.
Bree @ HalfPennyBlog recently posted…Why You’re Spending More Than You Think
Her hair is so pretty, especially in the braids! The teenager in our family rarely smiles, too! lol
Mistee Dawn recently posted…Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Recipe. #SweetSwaps
Going to a shelter to hang out with animals is a cool thing to do. Love the pics.
Ourfamilyworld recently posted…Best Father’s Day Quotes and Sayings
Kathleen is gorgeous! I love that she’s at the animal shelter. I love going to mine to visit the animals and help out!
Wow she has done amazingly well. I am about to have back surgery soon too. I have issues at l5-s1.
Uplifting Families recently posted…7 Things You Should Do After You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test #PrenatalVitamins
What a sweet teenage smile. And she is definitely pretty in her white lacy dress. I love that dress – so perfect for summer.
Lynndee recently posted…Day at the Museum: Carolinas Aviation Museum (Part 3)
My Daughter did her High school community hours at our local animal shelter. It is a great place to volunteer and they always need the help. I am happy your daughter is doing so well.
I can’t stand cats and it isn’t because of my allergies! Dogs are way more rewarding but what counts is being able to love an animal that reciprocates.
Awwwwww what lovely photos!!! Kat is so pretty :):) I use to love going to the animal shelter when I was a kiddo, it breaks my heart to go these days though knowing I can’t give all the fur babies a home 🙁
She is pretty and sounds like a wonderful person, judging by the pictures. I’d love to volunteer at an animal shelter sometime.
HilLesha recently posted…World’s First Interactive Electric Toothbrush: Oral-B Pro 7000
Thanks for sharing your family with us. Love seeing her smile. Hope she heals.
Krystal recently posted…7 Seriously Simple Laundry Tips
Awww those pictures are so cute. I love the pictures with the kitty. I’m glad to hear that she is doing well after her operation.
My three year old is really into animals. I need to take her to the Animal Shelter to love on some pets that we don’t have to take home. Love the lace dress your daughter is wearing.
Michellette “MimiCuteLips” Green recently posted…This body in a 2 piece #MySwimsuitStyle
Animal shelters are such great places to find pets who need a loving home. I’m so glad to see that your daughter is healing nicely!
Michelle @ Dishes and Dust Bunnies recently posted…Homemade Alfredo Sauce
What a lovely young lady your daughter is. I have a 16 year old,,s o I can relate to what its like to have one in your house.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Cheap and Easy To Make Patriotic Painted Mason Jars Centerpiece
Great to hear that Kat’s spinal fusion went well. That must be really uncomfortable to feel something every time it is cold outside.
Yona Williams recently posted…Company Highlight: Symmetrical Pottery
What awesome pictures! That white dress photo is beautiful.