Good morning all, and welcome to your…
Motivational Monday!
“The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.”
Ben Stein
Howdy all, it’s me again, Cid. Sorry I’ve been slacking off on these Motivational Monday posts so much. I started a new job back in early December, and my anger management group (which runs once a week) just before Thanksgiving; life has been pretty hectic around here. My work schedule is becoming a bit more stable now, steady hours most of the time, so the stress of not having enough money isn’t looming over our heads any more; now it’s just the stresses of everyday life and those are becoming easier for me to manage. Every day is progress.
This week’s quote comes from someone who is a bit more modern, more contemporary than a lot of famous quotes. I chose this one because it’s something that I’ve lost sight of many times, and many people lose sight of it as they go through daily life as well. Often, we get so caught up in trying to get what we NEED from life (food, shelter, other necessities) and working so hard to afford the things we want that we can forget what it really is we wanted in the first place! But, it’s very important to be able to remember what it is that you want in life. Then you can focus on how to get it, rather than just getting by.
I want to be a good Daddy and to get my work published someday, and to start my own business, a coffee house. To achieve my goals, I know that I need to keep a job (provide for my family), get in at least a few hours each week of work on my game, and maybe even go back to school someday for business management. We’re steadily getting debt under control too, and someday, the student loans will get tackled, one piece at a time. So, my goals are in order. I know what I want, and I know what the first steps toward getting it are now. Even writing these Motivational Monday posts helps me get closer to my goal, as it reminds me to take time off to focus on family and not just constantly working.
How about you? What do YOU want in life?
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