About 7 months ago I found out something that was pretty devistating.
I have HPV, an abnormal pap, and ‘strange cells’ in/on my cervix. We did a colposcopy and biopsy, and thankfully I came out clear for cancer.
Note: You might not want to read this one around your kiddos, unless you want to explain womanly issues with them.
Still though, it means I will have to have a biospy and pap every 6 months until things clear up, or things get… worse.
I don’t want to know. I’m scared, to be honest, and I am admittedly a bit of a coward.
With so many things going on health wise lately I just want to let whatever happens, happen, and just… give up.
This didn’t jive well with Max. Who has been hounding me every since the 6 month mark hit. Make the appt, make the appt, go to the appt, wait the appointment?! Crap..
I MADE the appointment. I would have GONE to the appointment.
But I have memory issues (that aren’t getting much better…) and unless I get one of those reminder calls the day before, my likelihood of remembering is slim to nil.
… They’d said they’d call. But didn’t.
So he bugged me every 20 minutes the other day even though I broke down crying that I just didn’t want to go through with it.
So I made another appointment/
This time, I wrote it down in two places. Plus they’ve PROMISED they’ll call.
Kat and I volunteer three days a week at the local humane society, today when we got back there was a box of Valentines Day chocolates on my desk.
When I asked, my mom (who was here watching Risi and the other kiddos..) said it was from Max.
Wait… what?
So, I call him up and ask what’s with the chocolates.
After him encouraging me to open it up before he’d admit that he gave it to me (strange boy…)
I open the box to…
Yes, burst out laughing.
No, I am not at ALL offended!
The envelope thing is another story for another day, but I have to say I’m pretty impressed at his ability to still throw me a curve ball and have me almost rolling on the floor with laughter.
Thank you Max.
Yes. I will be getting it checked.
Anarii says
Good for him. I will babysit, if needed.
Anarii recently posted…Sisi’s bib skirt