I’ve kinda heard of Derma Rollers before, but I’ve never ever tried one. They have needles! NEEDLES!! Lots of needles, sure they’re tiny needles, but… why would I want to needle myself?
Still, I would like my skin to look better, and I have been curious about trying a Derma Roller. Even if I’m a chicken. >.>
So I was so thrilled to be allowed to review a Derma Roller from Diva d’or!
Disclaimer: I was sent the following product in order to facilitate this review, no other compensation was gained in writing this post. All opinions are my own unless otherwise specified.
So here’s the deal, these types of things are supposed to be helpful for all kinds of skin problems. Scars, stretch marks, acne, large pores, I guess… lots of things. You know?
I’m terrified of needles and my skin, really. I looked at this and was nervous, but hey… why not try it? They were tiny needles, they are not designed to make me bleed, take anything out, or put anything in me… Well, I mean nothing like blood or medications or anything. I could do this, right?
I could roll 540 titanium micro needles on my face right? Yeah, I was going with face first. Why not just dive right in??
I washed my face with my normal face wash first, and then I guess I misunderstood the instructions. The first time I used it it said use with a facial serum. Can you guess what I did? Yep, I put the serum on… and THEN used the roller. Probably not the best idea, but live and learn I suppose. I used it as directed, and while it was a little prickly feeling it wasn’t a BAD prickly feeling. I have sensory processing issues and ADHD that make me highly sensitive to thing, and this? It didn’t bother me enough to cause an anxiety attack and make me stop using it!
Afterwards, I followed up with a moisturizer, and then I felt it. What is it? A sort of burning sensation, not overly bad, but noticeable. The type you feel after you’ve been in the sun just a LITTLE too long and you have a light burn, one that you don’t really bother to put anything on because it fades fast enough? Yep, that’s the type it felt and actually kind of looked like. Thankfully I was right, and the feeling faded in about 10 minutes and I was able to fall asleep. It’s recommended to use this at night, so I did.
I was surprised that I saw some measure of results after the first use on my face, not a ton, but it’s noticeable, and I look forward to continued results for the small amount of acne scaring I do have. I plan to get Cid one of these as well, as he had a lot of scaring on his face.
Please don’t buy and share Derma Rollers! These things are getting into your skin, even if washed carefully, it’s a bit of a personal care item and sharing that is a pretty gross idea.
I also plan to try using it on my belly area, I’ve had five kids and have the stretch marks to show for it! YIKES! I’ll update pics for that as well. 🙂
The Derma Roller from Diva d’or is a great gift idea for someone you know that is trying to work on their skin. A great stocking stuffer, as long as they wouldn’t take offense to that kind of a thing. I wouldn’t, I’d be pretty thrilled to get some awesome beauty products as gifts!
Have you ever used a derma roller before? Would you ever try one?
You can buy your own Diva d’or derma roller at on Amazon!
I would have to pass on this. I can’t stand needles. AT ALL! That and electric or static shocks. This product may be wonderful, I just can’t get past the needles.
I’m a total wuss with needles, even when they have to so much as test my iron with a finger prick I’m a total mess!! It took me about 15 minutes of staring at this to actually be able to use it on my face. I had to summon up courage! After I used it the first time, I’m not afraid of it anymore. Now needles in other circumstances? Yep.. still a wuss! XD
Yes, I would try this now that I have seen your review. I have need heard of or seen this type of skin device. I have edema problems and I think this would help reduce the swelling. Thanks for the info!