As you know I’ve written about Mister Shadow before, how he eats string and has done so twice before but we’ve been able to get him to pass it with no issues.
Well, despite my best efforts he ate thread this time and is now at the vet after having to have emergency surgery.
We’re currently only at one income and start training for work tomorrow. But the vet bill is a huge hit on us financially that we can’t cover right now. It’s $1200 (detailed itemization on the funding page) and even if what you can do is merely sharing the story that is helpful.
Even just $2 would be helpful. If we had 600 people donate $2 we’d make enough to cover this emergency.
Thank you so much for reading this and any help you can give, yes even just spreading the word.
I hope you got the amount in a timely manner and managed to save his life. I always advice pet owners to be very vigilant with their pets, do not have anything in the reach that you know they may consume. Also, having a good pet insurance is always a blessing in these situations.