Disclaimer: We received the following product in order to facilitate this review, all opinions are our own unless otherwise stated. Thank you for understanding!
With so many of us here in the home, there tend to be a lot of messes. Particularly in the kitchen, lots of messes that people tend not to like to clean up after themselves for. *sigh*
We go through far too many paper towels, and in my quest for things to improve the our lives, lessen the amount of waste we put out, and make things in the kitchen better overall I found Paperless Kitchen. I reached out to them for a review, and they sent over a set of Skoy cloths. Wee!I wasn’t sure at first how I was REALLY going to feel about the SKOY cloths. They claim that these four cloths are the equivalent of 60 rolls of paper towels! WOW! Could anything like this honestly be that good? Even Cid wasn’t sure, but we were for sure going to find out.
We received white, orange, yellow and off white. Three with a flower and one with just the Paperless Kitchen logo. I was so excited to get them that I pretty much rushed to the kitchen and used one right away!
I got the SKOY cloth wet, and put it to work cleaning off the top of our dishwasher (which is a portable since this place is old and didn’t have a built in one.) I wasn’t originally going to show the mess that I started with, but since I did take a before and after picture… why not? *hiding*
So, as you can see above you have Before, After, and then the SKOY cloth when I was done with wiping off the mess. I wasn’t sure, after seeing it be see-through when I rinsed it, if it would hold up to me scrubbing or even help me get off the mess. Let’s just say we’re impressed!
I keep a SKOY cloth at my desk for when the cats or baby knock over my food or drink, two in the kitchen for random messes and one in the downstairs bathroom so I can do a quick wipe up.
SKOY cloths can be washed and dried in your washer and dryer, made to be damp and then thrown in your microwave for 1 min 30 seconds to be steralized, and since the fibers are plant based and 100% biodegradable (within just 5 weeks!), you don’t need to feel guilty about throwing them away when they’ve finally met their bitter end!
I think having SKOY cloth is a new kitchen must have for us!
With the amount of paper towels we use at home, this would be great…but I have an idea my renter would use it and toss it.. thus negating the whole reason to get it! /sigh
Maybe right a note and put it on the wall, in all caps, DO NOT THROW AWAY MY SKOY CLOTHS OMG!!!
I had to write a note so that the DISHES sponge wasn’t used to clean mouse cages!! ewwwww because saying it didn’t get the message across.