Konnichiwa Minna-san!!
Life has been hectic here like crazy. But then again it feels as if that’s the norm anymore.
Kat started school on August 25th, which was Sisi’s 11th birthday. Aussie’s birthday was the 24th. Kat’s birthday is the 14th… Sisi, Var and Lisi all started school on the 2nd!
I sadly didn’t manage to get a picture of bear before school, but I wasn’t going to make that same mistake with Lisi and Var!! Of course Var wanted to pose, and… well… why not? Pictures might as well show him in all his glory of strange boy-ness. Right?
It’s crazy, thinking of how fast these guys have grown on me!! Kat’s in 9th grade, Sisi 6th, Var 4th and Lisi 3rd!! I have a high schooler and middle schooler?! How did this even happen? Yea yea, I know, time flies and all that. It’s just amazing that summer has gone by so fast and somehow I’ve survived being a parent almost 14 years!Tomorrow, Risi turns 10 months old! She’s recently cut her 4th tooth, and I’ve taught her ‘evil face’!! So when I tell her to do “evil face” this is the face she gives. Hah, I love it! I did similar with all the kids when they were little.
She walks along furniture really well now, and takes a few steps here and there with her walking toy.
I recently experienced a short flu thing that Risi had. She had a fever of 101 for a few days, plus was miserable (probably hurt all over like I ended up doing!) but we made it through it… thankfully… just in time for her fourth tooth to work its way out and make her miserable for a couple of days >.> Yay.
Sadly whatever it was really caused me a ton of pain, a spent a couple of days nearly incapable of walking or doing much of anything. To the extent that I couldn’t make it through a shopping trip. The pain was so great that my legs gave out and Cid had to go rush and get me one of the electric wheelchairs.. But even then, just the pain holding my own head up was insane. I couldn’t wait to go home. 🙁
I wish I knew for sure what was wrong, but I don’t… It’s getting better now but the back spasms I experienced for months after Risi was born are back, with a vengeance. Wtfh body?? Can you please stop trying to destroy me?
How are all of you doing?
I hope you’ve entered the recent giveaways if you’re interested!!
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