Disclaimer: We received the following Candy Club box in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own or of those in my family unless otherwise specified. No compensation was gained for the writing of this post.
Yayy! I was super excited to be contacted by Candy Club to get a box to review. Candy Club is a subscription box service for… as you can probably guess, candy lovers!! You get what is said to be a $60 value in candy for $30 a month (if you go by month to month) or cheaper depending on what plan you get. They base it off of the price you’d pay in candy shops. Trust me, the one candy store in town that has stuff like this, is expensive as heck, so I believe it!
We got five different candies in the box. You can see Sweet’s Salt Water Taffy, Gimbal’s Sour Gourmet Jelly Beans, Sour Power Wild Cherry Belts, Haribo Gummi Techno Bears, and the special bonus treat of Butterfields Peach Buds. Interesting combination I have to say, and I already know that I LOVE sour freaking wild cherry belts! OMG!
A bit of the candy comes in little paint bucket type things, with Candy Club’s logo on the little lid. I love it, they’re so darn cute!
So, how is the candy? Well, let’s go through them one by one shall we? Just like with other boxes I like to go through and list things and give a rating to the items. With my standard 1 through 5 rating scale.
Haribo Gummi Techno Bears: 4.5/5
Okay, I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this metallic looking gummy bears. These say they have the flavors of Cherry, Sour Raspberry and Apple… but I got more than just three colors. So….? I’m pretty sure one was also orange and the other grape. I love the cherry and sour raspberry… which I assume is what the blue one is? It’s cool to eat something all pretty and metallic, but is still candy. The only reason these lose half a point is there a bit hard to chew, they’re pretty rough. Maybe they got a little old? Maybe they’re designed to be a little rough?
Gimbal’s Sour Gourmet Jelly Beans: 3/5
These are pretty ‘meh’ to me. They’re not sour, by a long shot! They’re pretty much just standard jelly beans. Less gritty than really cheap ones though, but I’m very very picky when it comes to jelly beans. The only thing saving these from a 2 rating is the fact that they’re not as gritty as the cheap kind you can easily get at Easter. Plus the flavors are made with real fruit juice. Cherry, Blueberry, Pomegranate and Lemon are my favorite. With Mango being okay and tangerine and grapefruit being absolute no no’s for me. Lisi liked them okay too…
Sour Power Wild Cherry Belts: 5/5
Ohh, you knew I was going to rate these well! The picture I took is after we’d eaten a bit of them. I’d actually done a video of this, in various clips, but as a brain fart deleted the main/longest clip. Ruining my ability to upload a video. Shoot! These are a classic and I have to keep myself from just shoving them all in my face. Right. NOW. sigh I’m saving the rest for the kids, really I am!
Sweet’s Salt Water Taffy: 1/5
The only thing saving this taffy from a zero is the fact that the texture is lovely and I loved playing with a few pieces and stretching them. Other than that I can’t even begin to explain the flavor properly. I don’t know what flavor this is, but they’re blue and pretty. The flavor is best described as a generic bubble gum/cotton candy/marshmallow type flavor that doesn’t really stand out at all. Pretty blech in terms of flavor really. If the kids don’t end up loving them, I plan to just get a glass fish bowl type thing from Dollar Tree, throwing these in, and using them to help hold up pens and pencils. I don’t know what else to do with them!
Butterfields Peach Buds: 2.75/5
These are…. okay. I mean for peach flavor they’re okay, they’re too… peachy… but not enough sweet to really make it work well for me. I’ll check with Var to see what he thinks when he gets home. But overall, I don’t really love these and Lisi wouldn’t try one based on smell alone. They’re pretty, but just not the type of candy for me. I guess that Butterfields hard candies have been around since 1924, and this is their signature peach flavor. Since I’m more of a cherry and blue raspberry girl when it comes to fruity candies… this explains why I’ve never had these and didn’t fall in love.
Do any of these candies sound like something you’d love? Do you like sour candies? What is your favorite type of jelly bean? I used to love jelly beans more when I was younger, but thankfully I at least still have a fondness for sour belts!
Do you have a favorite snacky/candy subscription box? Overall I would consider trying another Candy Club box in the future, though I wish there was a way to put likes and dislikes so they know not to send certain things. Like.. no jelly beans or taffies. 😛
I was a member a couple years ago and i liked it alot and would like to rejoin.