Ack, this is a post I am not sure it’s a good idea to do.
My worst habits? Really?
Well I think I’ll start with the fact that I don’t work out much. I’m pretty lazy and unmotivated because often, I’m in too much pain just trying to keep up with keeping the kids from destroying the universe. Any time I’ve tried working out since Risi was born the pain is nearly unbearable. To the point where at times it gets so bad that I start not being able to see and I have no choice but to go collapse someplace.
I’m a clutter-bug. I have a hard time organizing my things, let alone anything else. I can organize the kitchen in a way that suits me fine… but I have what feels like ‘everything ever’ all around my desk. I just can’t seem to find a good home for things. If I DO put things in a place where I can ‘find them later’ I end up losing things. Sometimes for years, sometimes permanently. I have NO idea how or why this happens to me.
Eating! Emotional eating is a huge bad habit of mine. I really need to get over it so I can be healthier… but when I am stressed I just desire to eat everything I can get my grubby little hands on. Okay so they aren’t that grubby.. I do wash my hands regularly.
Slouching is another terrible habit I have. I don’t really slouch forward as much as I push my butt forward and lay/sit funky in my chair. I end up bothering things and having issues with my sciatic nerve, which means I then I have to do exercises just to make it stop being all bulging or whatever to stop hurting so bad. *sigh*
Hating cooking. I love to bake, but cooking isn’t really my favorite thing in the universe. I don’t mind helping cooking. If Cid is in the kitchen with me I don’t mind cooking at all. It’s just when I am cooking for all of us, or even just two of us, completely (or almost) completely solo I feel positively overwhelmed with this need to get it done in blazing speeds that are impossible for a single person. Which makes me all stressed, which makes me pissy, which makes me tired. On top of that, because the extra time it takes to do all of it solo, I end up in that much more pain.
Do you have any particularly bad habits that you are willing to share?
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