I don’t have one.
I mean, how can I narrow down the past 30 years into ONE moment I am most proud of??
Would it be most proud of myself?
Most proud of one of the kids? What then?
I have so many things to be proud of for myself and for the kids.
I think I can maybe narrow down one for each of us. Maybe…
For me I would have to say that my proudest moment so far was passing my drivers exam (the actual driving part) missing only a single solitary point. That’s it. One point. I forgot to signal when moving away from being parked at the curb to going into the street to drive. I no longer make that mistake! Hah!
Yet people do all the damned time around here, it’s pretty scary when people don’t have their rear lights working and all of a sudden boom, they’re out in front of you!
For Kat… ohh… actually that’s hard. I would say every time she got up on stage and sang in front of the entire school for a talent show, and her ability to go through with her spinal fusion surgery and be happier. She’s changed so much for the better and I am really proud of her for being a rock star through this.
Sisi… hmmm. For getting 2nd place in a drawing contest. Or was it 3rd? I don’t know… Also for getting up and doing the talent show with a friend.
Var… This one is a bit harder, I struggle with him.. and men in general actually. I hate that I can say that. 🙁 His ODD doesn’t make things easy. But.. I am proud of him for every improvement he’s struggled to make personally and that he now has friends. He’s actually gone to two sleep overs the past couple of months!! WOW!
Lisi… For being an awesome big sister, no really, she’s awesome when it comes to Ris. An absolute rock star, and she’s still bugging me waiting for the day Risi can share a room with her. o.O
Risi… for being an easy baby who slept through the night before 3 months old. No really, she started going down around 10/10:30 and waking up at about 5:30.. then going to waking up at 6:30… then 7:30. Then going to bed by 8/8:30 and waking up around 7:30 so quickly. It’s awesome to get a full nights sleep.
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