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Christmas time!
It’s good to celebrate the season and spend time with friends and family alike. Here are some images of our holiday.
Well mostly Wordless Wednesday! I realized I never shared pictures from Christmas this year! So.. without further ado!
I like the pails instead of stockings. I thought that was a great idea. I liked all of your food and just liked seeing your Wordless Wednesday postings for Christmas.
i think its good to be creative and my mom always made us stockings but more so she would make us paperbag puppets and she would fill them up with goodies.. loved it 😉 thanks for sharing this special time of year with us @tisonlyme143
Stockings always end up lost here, or the cats want to play with them. >.> So I am just going to try and do creative little things. One year I did new cute decorated plates and put stocking stuffers on them!
I’ve seen “Wordless Wednesdays” on other blogs. What is that? Is it just a thing where you don’t have to write anything but just post a photo on your blog. I’ve got to get in on that!
Mary (Cozy Little Book Journal) recently posted…I should try networking more…do other bloggers have trouble remembering to interact with others?
Yep! Post a picture or more (sometimes with words, lol because some of us have a hard time being wordless!!) as a post, and you’ve got an easy post for Wednesdays! 😀