Though it’s been not as easy for me to adapt to having a 5th child as it had been adapting to having a 3rd and a 4th, I am very thankful for the fact that overall Risi is a very easygoing baby!
Not that everything has been smooth sailing since she was born. I’ve had a lot of physical problems since labor, and she did have issues with the regular milk based formula she was on causing her diarrhea and gas so horrific that burping and farting were painful and her poor tummy was just so swollen.
Now that she’s on soy formula we’re having to go through an adjustment phase all over again, but overall she’s still a great easy baby.
Here are some things that I am thankful for when it comes to Risi aka Ninja.
- She rarely spits up.
- At not even 2 months of age she can ‘say’ that she’s hungry “ungee” and ask to play ‘stick out our tongues’ by saying “gung” or “nguh.” It’s adorable, and awesome to be able to communicate.
- I don’t have to be careful when I do things that might be noisy. The vacuum, blender, hand mixer, and oldest kids being loud don’t bother her in the slightest. Even the high volumes of the voices on Christmas day at my parents house didn’t bother her. Chill chill baby!
- She positively LOVES bath time. She smiles, swishes happily, laughs, and will let me clean her top to bottom without a single fuss.

Ninja loving bath time!
- She’s started giving me a 5 hour stretch of sleep at night! Though last night was actually 6 hours! YES!
- People other than me can care for her without her freaking out. Any of her big siblings can care for her, as can her dad, without her going nuts and screaming for me. I can actually get things done.
- She can do the same smirk her dad does, and totally melt my heart.
She did great here. She is a very calm baby, and yay on the talking.
Yea, she did better than I did inwardly that’s for sure! I’m surprised the situations she just stays calm in. I was really worried she was deaf for a time because nothing seemed to bother her in the slightest! cute! Bless and lots of love for your baby 🙂
Nabanita recently posted…My Precious Little Sister
Thanks! 😀