We’ve never really gone around the table and said everything we’re thankful for. Well maybe when I was super young and I can’t remember. I know I had classwork as a kid that made us write what we were thankful for, but I couldn’t tell you now what things I may have been thankful for back then either.
This year though, I know what I am thankful for. Far more than I ever imagined I could be thankful for anything or things ever.
I’m thankful for…
My parents: Even though I’m not as super close to them as I would like, I know that in a pinch they are there for me even if I’m afraid to ask for… and accept many times… help.
Cid: The man who can cook, clean, bake, and take care of things when my world is falling apart both inside and outside of my head. Whose playful smirk and quiet voice can make almost anything feel better. Who wakes up at 5AM Mon-Thurs to get to work by 6AM, and still manages to come home and help in the kitchen.. or completely take care of dinner as my broken sleep makes me so exhausted sometimes. Who makes the best french toast in the world ever, and will make it for any meal I like if that’s what I want. He does so much and I feel like I do so little in comparison.
Kat: For being a really awesome big sister and so easy as a teenager when I was so worried! For being willing to hug me and kiss me goodnight still, even though at your age it’s so not cool. For having a good head on your shoulders and heart in your chest. For not giving up on your creativity no matter what setbacks come to you.
Sisi: For your energy and wit. You’re strange and random, but you pull it off in a way that does from being ‘oh wow…’ strange to being ‘hahaha! funny!’ strange. For being apologetically you, no matter what that means or what it looks like. If that means carrying around your small stuffed Pikachu, to wearing your Pikachu dress around the house with Kat’s Rainbow Dash gala gown. For the way you totally fangirl over Toby Maguire(sp?) as Spider-man.
Var: For your energy and smile. Though sometimes your energy drains me so quickly because I could never keep up with an extrovert like you, I am trying. I’m trying to have the patience to sit there and try to listen to energetic long winded talks about Mindcraft and funny guys on Youtube who play video games you are interested in. I try to play the games you present, even if I can only do so for a little bit, just so you know that I do love you, and I am interested in you. Even if video games are 50,000% not ‘my thing.’ For the love you have for your sisters even if you can be a total turd towards them. 😉
Lisi: For stepping up and being the absolutely most amazing youngest child turned big sister I’ve ever seen. I worried so much, that despite your enthusiasm at your little sister, that you would quickly change your tune when the reality of having a baby in the house and losing your ‘youngest child’ status sunk in. …but it hasn’t. You want to hold her, feed her, change her clothes and diapers, you sing to her, play with her, and love her more than I ever imagined you’d be able to.
Risi: For being such an easy baby, only waking up two times a night in the early morning/night hours. Even if sometimes all you want to do is sit there in the dark and be awake… I can somewhat doze there while you feel safe and secure in my arms. Your beautiful smile lights up my day and… despite everything we went through pregnancy, birth, and the first two weeks… I can honestly say that I take it back, I can and do love you. I’m not too old, and it’s not too much. You make our family complete.
Food: I am thankful for the ability to have food on the table for all of us. For the ability to walk in the kitchen and find a snack.. be it at 12pm or 2am. For that ability to quickly run to a store and pick something up if we need or want it.
Shelter: The roof over our head, sure the house isn’t perfect. It’s old and settled so some of the floors are a bit slanted. The insulation could use help, and the water in the bathtub/shower downstairs can be annoying to get to the right levels.
My Van: Even though the heater is being a PITA right now. It has great gas mileage and fits all the kids. Though maybe I should get a 10 seater? LOL!
The Cats: For loving on me when I need it the most, or just being strange and doing silly things. I couldn’t imagine not having any of you.. yes, even you Tori.. my b*tch cat!
The Kittens: It’ll be so sad to let you go, but it was so nice to watch you grow and wake up with all of you sleeping on/around me. The snuggles, the kisses, the purrs, the cute faces and sleeps.
The Mice: You strange… small little creatures, curling up in my hands and sleeping. Just being too cute.
My blog, and all of you: This is the best job I could ever imagine having. Yes it’s a hobby, yes it’s a job, yes sometimes I get behind and I don’t get everything done I want or need in the time I want and need… but I try and you all stay here with me despite it. Despite my depression, my struggles and everything else. You all are here, in my cluttered little part of this giant scary world.
What do you give thanks for today?
Great list of thankful things.
Mary Hill recently posted…To My Readers