I was walking through a local Safeway one night back in Mid-October when I saw this product, and I was immediately curious.
Brownie Brittle?
I’d never heard of such a thing. Was it somehow like peanut brittle? But with brownies?
Brownies, but crunchy like some cookies could be? What a thought! I’d never seen the product before and I had to wonder how it would taste. Of course I also wondered if the company would be so willing as to have their product up for review here by all of us here in the house.
I was so excited when I got the reply that YES! Sheila G’s did want me to review the product, and not just one flavor. All four of them! Even better than I’d hoped for.
All of the flavors have been eaten all gone now, and here are the first reactions we had!
Toffee Crunch:
Var: “It’s mostly okay, leaves a little bit of an aftertaste”
Me: “It’s good, has a toffee aftertaste but it’s not bad at all”
Cid: “Doesn’t have overpowering taste or typical toffee crunch” He gave it a thumbs up. Which is good for not being a toffee fan!
Mint Chocolate Chip:
Three of the four kids didn’t like this very much, but I think they were expecting a different kind of mint taste?
Still, three of us liked it so much it didn’t last long at all!
Lisi: “It’s yummy!”
Cid: “Good, not enough chocolate chips”
Me: “I like it, the overall flavor is good, but I agree it could use more chocolate chips”
Chocolate Chip:
Me: “I got a piece with lots of chocolate chips, it made it really good!” I was surprised at how good it was!
Var: “It’s delicious!” This is his second favorite.
Lisi: “I love it!” She wanted more, and who was I to argue? 😉
Kat: “Pretty good.” She’s a teenager, I’m not too surprised at this response from her. 😛
Salted Caramel:
This is the clear winner in flavor! At least as far as those of us here think.
Kat: “Oh my god!” She wanted and of course got more!
Lisi: “it’s good, can I have some more?!” Of course!
Var: “OMG IT’S SO DELICIOUS” His clear favorite!
Cid: “A little bit salty, but otherwise good” He’s not overly a fan of salted caramel things, I am though.
Me: “Could use a little more of a caramel flavor? But not bad at all” My next piece was much better than my first of course! Very good and I love Salted Caramels!
Overall very positive reactions, and I really wasn’t sure what to expect or if I’d even like them. Considering I prefer the inside brownies and my cookies to not be crunchy and all! The name and look is what got me curious, and I am so glad that we got to try them all out so now we know of another awesome treat out there!
The awesome folks at Sheila G’s Brownie Brittle are sponsoring a giveaway of one sampler pack (the same as I received for this review) to one lucky Ohayo Okasan winner! All you have to do is do some (or all) of the entries on the Rafflecopter below and you’re entered to win your own sample pack of Brownie Brittle!
Minna-san, ganbatte ne!
I’d love to try the salted caramel!
I want to try Toffee Crunch most. It sounds delicious.
They all look delicious but if I can choose one it would be toffee crunch.
The salted caramel is the one I am looking forward to.
Wynter R recently posted…*Just Released* $2.00 off one (1) Box of Lip Clear Bandage
I also would like to try the salted caramel. My husband says he would try the mint chocolate chip!
Zulema A Tomlinson recently posted…The fear of coughing or sneezing that only a woman knows.
I want to try the Salted Caramel flavor – it sounds divine! 🙂
Charli recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Miss You
I would love to try Toffee Crunch! Toffee is an awesome flavor that doesn’t get nearly enough credit.
Jenn recently posted…Admission
I would like to try the salted caramel!