This time I need to react to the term: Food.
Hmmm, well…
I have a love/hate relationship with food. I love it sometimes, but absolutely hate it others. I struggled for a long time with my weight as I ate during my depression and now I ate again during one of my medicine trials.
One med I was on had me sick unless I was eating pretty much constantly. It’s awful the amount of weight I’ve gained after I worked so hard to lose weight!
My main (and only now!) depression medication makes me have very little to no appetite. Which you know doesn’t work well while pregnant so I kind of have to force myself to eat at times because I’ll suddenly feel sick and not understand why right away.
I’m also very picky with food. I only like tacos from one place in town, and that’s Del Taco. I hate Taco Bell ever since throwing up right after eating it while pregnant with DD1 millions of years ago (okay okay so it was 2000!)
I also don’t like chicken noodle soup as much (well with big chunky noodles) ever since that pregnancy and I can no longer eat grapes for that very reason. Throwing up after just eating grapes and now just the taste reminds me of the terrible way they burned coming back up!
My favorite foods are sushi, udon, Japanese breads, pizza, egg drop soup, orange chicken, almond chicken, chocolate (though I’m liking less and less lately. :(), chicken caesar salads, beef with broccoli, and a few other things I can’t remember right now.
I can’t stand onions unless they’re in onion rings or just onion powder, tomato chunks or slices set off my gag reflex and I get sick, I don’t like most fish, can’t do the textures of most fruits. I can eat apples and pomegranate, but cannot eat apple sauce.
I cannot wait until I am done being pregnant and recovered (no longer bleeding) so that I can work on getting myself back down to a healthy weight.
Do you have any pickiness when it comes to food? What foods can you just not stomach do the smell/texture/taste/etc? Anything in specific and any back story to them?
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