I was recently contacted by a company that offers all sorts of cases for Android and Apple devices in order to do a review. How perfect was that? I’d just gotten Sis an iPhone 4 for her birthday (so she could finally play Mine Craft with everyone else *okay, minus me… I don’t really play games*) and had her temporarily using my iPhone case.
Which meant I had a naked iPhone… which therefore meant that my iPhone liked to jump out of my hand, and slip off of things too easily. Uggghhhh! This was not a happy situation for me. See, I bought my iPhone used, and it already had a crack that didn’t really cause any issues, the thing was… I didn’t want it further hurt. So it being naked just wasn’t going to do at all. I had to get a case for Sisi’s phone and I had to get one soon!
On top of it just jumping and slipping, it also felt just too strange in my purse, pocket, or hand. It didn’t feel right in the slightest, it felt wrong, so wrong, to have it not be how it’d been since I’d bought it. Protected in a case so that nothing bad would happen to it someway or another. >.> The case I have has been happily protecting my phone from my clumsiness, and when I let the kids play with it!
The case you see above in it’s package is the case I got for Sisi’s iPhone. She wanted a purple case and I was thrilled to be able to get her one, and get my case back! 😉 I picked this case from Gumdrop Cases and was so happy with it arrived, so was she! I also could have picked from the selection over at HardCandy Cases but this case here was exactly what we were looking for.
As you can see Sisi’s new phone is nice and protected in her awesome Gumdrop Drop Tech Series case!
Not only do these two sites do Android and Apple phones, they have Tablet and MacBook cases as well! Var has decided already what case he wants to get himself when he has enough money for the iPad mini he’s drooling over.
Disclaimer: I received the above case in order to facilitate this review, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
Ooh must have a look at this site, need a new cover for my Android. So many sites just cater to the iPhone so nice to see one that does both 🙂