FunBites are a great little food cutter that comes in three different shapes! Squares, Hearts, and the newest to the line Triangles!
For this review I got to try out the hear cutter that you see pictured above. 🙂 Sadly life has been so hectic it took me a little too long to write this review, I’m sorry FunBites for my delay! @_@;
Kids love cute little cut up food and making them into shapes just further enhances the love as far as I’ve noticed. Why else would there be so many different food cutters and molds available for bento packing?
These cutters are a great addition to your Bento cutter lineup as they help cut up things for you with so little work. Make sandwiches into little tiny finger sandwiches or just cut up fruits and vegetables to be more fun.
FunBites recommends even trying it out on pizza, pancakes and other things! This would be perfect for lunch meat and sliced cheese to make little ‘lunchables’ type snacks for your kids but with fun little shapes and knowing more of what exactly the kids are eating. 🙂 I know for a fact that Lisi likes the little ‘snack’ lunchables with some with small squares of turkey, small cheese, and tiny crackers. But now I can make them even more customized with cute shapes!
Sadly my pictures turned out horrible, so I will need to retake them soon! Look forward to that, when I’ll be retweeting this post. 😉
You can connect with FunBites though Facebook and Twitter!
As a member of Outburst Media, I received this product from FunBites in hopes of obtaining a review. All opinions are my own.
These look like so much fun to use and I bet my younger daughter would love it!
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