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Number four on the list of 30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me is: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
So let’s get started shall we?
- Get out of that relationship, NOW, trust me you don’t want to give him anymore of your time. He’s not worth it.
- Keep cleaning and make it a habit, so you don’t fall out of it in the future.
- Kat is going to surprise you more than you ever anticipated.
- Younger men aren’t that bad, you’ll discover that when you’re much older.
- CPS is full of shit, you’re allowed to have friends.
- In the future, be VERY careful to read the boxes of home perm kits. Otherwise you’re going to be very very sad.
- Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!
- Enjoy your weight now, and don’t stress it. Keep playing DDR no matter what!
- Blue hair looks awesome on you even when you’re older.
- Be 150% sure you want to get married before you do it!
Hmmm yup, all that works. 🙂
Great list! So many things I want to tell my 16 year old self 😉
I would tell my 16 year old self to finish college. For goodness sake, PLEASE finish college.
Good list but I really could add to that list..and my biggest pet pea…never lie to yourself, why would you, you can’t trust yourself?
Great list. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Like the list! Mine would include the same advice about boys!