Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
This is part of the 30 Things My Kids Should Know About Me series of posts that I am doing. My original plan was to do these daily, but that isn’t seeming to happen right now.
Sorry about that!
Fear 1. CPS – I am afraid of CPS because when I was younger and Kat was my oldest, they came to my house one day and told me I wasn’t allowed to have friends over during highschool lunch time because it meant “people would be in and out of the house too much for the welfare of the child” meaning my oldest. Which is kinda ass. They were called because someone said I had no heat in my apartment. One of our heaters was broken and it took a week to get it fixed, it was the one in the living room.. but it DID get fixed and well before they ever showed! I suspect because of my (now estranged) eldest sister who had her kids taken away by CPS (no I didn’t call, though I should have because of what she was doing/not doing.)
Fear 2. Having friends over – See above, I’ve been afraid of it ever since then, so it’s insanely difficult to want to allow anyone into my house. Even though I am sure WA state CPS was full of it that it’s not alright for someone to have a couple of friends over… I’m still afraid of it. I’m working on this one very hard now. I want to be able to allow friends over (not just the kids) and have something of a social life!
Fear 3. Public Places with lots of people – I got to be a bit of a recluse over the years as my depression spiraled out of control. My first husband didn’t really allow me to have any friends aside from people he knew, and then it got worse when I moved to Idaho where I didn’t know anyone but family and my depression got worse and worse. Even on my medication I have a hard time handling even going grocery shopping.
:/ I am trying to get past all of these things, but it’s very difficult to do so.
awwe, i thought i was the only one who is like this, i am such a freak about having people over, i just dont want any one in my space ,and when i go to the stores very crowded places i kind of get really over whelmed, mmm maybe i need to have myself check out. i feel so bad for you, keep up the good work by keeping track of it.
It’s a hard place to be, at least with another adult with me and my medication I can handle the store with only slight anxiety. Before I used to be a complete wreck just to do a simple grocery trip!
My top three fears are water, heights and death….
Don’t let your fears control your life, you are a grown woman and are allowed to have friends over! You deserve to have your own life and need to take control of it!
we all have many fears .. i have a fear of lots things public places are the worst .. thank u for sharing your fears
Wonderful, eyeopening read! Sometimes its hard to see our flaws and fears.
Thanks for being real!
Wow…that’s some heavy stuff. And, believe it or not, all three of those things are part of my fears, too…for other reasons. Just so you know, you’re not alone.