As you all know, I LOVE the taste of coffee. I don’t so much need the caffeine or anything like that… but I LOVE the taste of blended iced Mocha’s… aka Mocha’s Fraps. I also often make them myself, and even included a recipe on how to do them here on my blog. It’s under the recipe header if you’re at all interested.
Anyway. Originally I was making myself coffee using a small espresso machine, which was annoyingly loud and time consuming. I also had to wait for the coffee too cool before I could make my Frap… blaah I hate waiting when I want coffee. So I stopped using that and went for the “cold brew” coffee making method.
Until I realized a fatal disgusting flaw:
The coffee would start to grow mold in the container I was keeping it in. Ewwww!! So I stopped that and I was back to spending faaaaarr too much money at coffee stands. D: Bad Kisa, Bad!
Then I heard about the AeroPress from Aerobie! Yes! Something to make just as much coffee as I need in a short time, without waiting for a machine to heat up? Count me in!

AeroPress coffee chamber, plunger, filters, filter holder, funnel and spoon all shown. Little stirrer not shown. Sorry!
Now the AeroPress merely sits on top of a cup, you put ground coffee in (after a filter of course!), pour in some boiling water (I just microwave some hot tap water), stir it up a little, and then press down the plunger to get amazingly smooth strong coffee without dealing with an actual noisy (and easy to burn yourself on) machine! Score!
Sure the coffee was hot, but not too hot because it wasn’t burning hot machine hot. Just boiling. Which meant I could wait less time for it to cool, about the time it took to have my ice, milk, and chocolate syrup ready.. and then blamo! Into the blender it went.
Ohhh, but first, see the coffee as it came out the second batch. I put it in a clear cup so you could actually SEE it this time. 😉
Beautiful, and delicious! Trust me, I try a small sip of the coffee each time I make it so I know which coffees I like (the one pictured above is one of my favorites!) and which ones I don’t (safeway branded vanilla hazelnut tastes burnt.. ugh). Smooth, rich, wonderful coffee is what I get with coffee I love. Which is prefect, you don’t want crummy coffee in your frap!
Blend it baby! Blend it! YESSS!!!
I absolutely recommend the AeroPress by Aerobie for the coffee lover in your life, be it you or someone else! It’s the easiest, most delicious coffee I’ve tried n awhile! Yum!
AeroPress is available for $29.99 at Sur La Table stores and other kitchen stores nation wide, and you can find out where all you can purchase it near you right here: Clicky!
You want to know what’s even better? During the Holiday Gift Event one lucky Ohayo Okasan reader will WIN one AeroPress coffee maker as well as some other great prizes! Thank you Aerobie for being one of our sponsors! Want to give them your thanks as well? Aerobie is also on Facebook, and I would love if you could go over and say that Ohayo Okasan sent you to say Hi!
Now, off with me to go enjoy my wonderful frap made with AeroPress coffee! <3
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