I don’t have a lot of pictures yet, just a couple of ones taken via mobile phones, but Aussie and I are officially married!!
Here is a mobile phone picture of us cutting our cake. Doesn’t he look great? I swear mobile phone pictures add a good 30lbs to my face @_@ why do I look cuter when I take my own pictures?
Annnnyway! I’d like to thank everyone who sent along well wishes, and those who thought them but didn’t say them. 😉
I’d also like to thank my Mom, for fixing my dress which wasn’t made to my measurements like it should have been… she had to take off the awful velcro and add hook and eye the night before my wedding! The dress ended up fitting so much better thanks to her help! My mom and sisters for helping to decorate, make things and just in general hold things together.
For a wedding with so many people, and with all four of the kids involved, everything just went so smoothly. I got to relax, enjoy my day, have my picture taken 50-bajillion-killion (totally a real number now folks!) times, eat cake, have candy, and do Karaoke! It was great! Aussie even sang “Summer Lovin'” (From Grease) with me <3 <3 <3
Kat sang too, Var sang, Lisi sang, and Sisi napped over at Nana’s house. Pirate Dad and Nan (Aussie In-laws) get along so well with the rest of the family it feels like there is a small hole in my heart having them gone now. They fit in so well they just feel as though they belong here and not clear on the other side of the world! We will have to find a way to get everyone together and just… enjoy life I suppose.
Welp, off to work on my massive homework assignment that is due tomorrow! Yesterday I had a migraine from hell and slept the day away so I need to play catch-up! Yikes!
Love you all, and I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I’ll post more wedding pictures soon!
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