I apologize for the lack of actual updates here! I just started classes yesterday, and booked my today (Tuesday) so jam packed that I was pretty much go go go go goooo!! For 10 hours straight!
I had to be up at 5:30AM for Var’s surgery, he had to be there at 6:15 AM. I was exhausted carrying him from his room to the van and from the van inside the office up on the second floor. Then handling my ex-husband was a little exhausting too, plus trying to coax Var to take the ‘laughy juice’ and then calm down with the sleeping gas through the mask in the actual OR was a little scary too. From there a wait for about 35 minutes, he did fine, then another 30 minutes while he was asleep and so there was no point to be there waiting.
Then he was in pain and didn’t like the IV… but didn’t want to take meds. We finally coaxed the liquid meds down his throat and he chugged some apple juice. From there I had to bring him home, and then I had about 15 minutes before I got to my drawing class… which was an hour and fifty minutes of my teacher talking and some class talking. That was hard because I was dying of exhaustion and lack of breakfast aside from some coffee and a Hawaiian sweet roll. Weee!
From there it was back home, give Var meds, have breakfast, get dressed and head to another class. An hour later I was back home and rushing Kat to her eye doctors appointment and then waiting 30 minutes while she was getting looked over. I wanted to fall asleep but had to keep myself moving.
More coffee, and a trip to the store because we didn’t have apple juice. I didn’t trust myself to drive too much more… so I finally crashed for a nap at about 5:15pm.. Yay. The ex (not husband) had to take Kat to her back to school meet your teachers and see your classes thing… because I just couldn’t do it.
Now I’m up, did dinner and … am still feeling like a grumpy sleepy toddler!
Unfortunately this means no motivational Monday or anything special for today. But I just wanted to update. Soon enough I’ll have a post about more things for our wedding plans, and I DO have a post ready for Thursday on more Japanese!
I hope the week is fairing well for others.
Ja matta ne~!
Family and school come first!!! YOu can blog anytime. Take care.