I get to review some awesome pop-rock style vitamins from Healthy To Go! Aka: To Go Brands. But not only did the company send me the vitarocks, they also sent me some other awesome stuff that really made my day. This wasn’t just your basic ‘please try our sample,’ type of box. This box was loaded!
As you can see I got an awesome water/drink bottle, Be Healthy, Be Green. Very cute! You can also see our two full boxes of Vitapops under it! As well as a baggie of… hmm… what?

Ohhhhh samples!! Samples are one of my favorite things! Yes, along with trying products I’ve never heard of (poprock type vitamins? I never would have figured to be honest.)
I love to get free samples of things.
So yay! Bonus!
Now we were able to try the Orange Vitamin C Vitarocks as well as the Cherry Blast Vitarocks. They were rather interesting. I wasn’t sure what to think or if they’d work like pop rocks at all really. Hmmm, so I opened a package of the Cherry Blast first and… went for it!
They’re okay, they have a cherry flavor and they DO work like pop rocks… but they have an overpowering Vitamin taste that I couldn’t handle more than half of a package in one go. None of the kids managed to have more than part of a package in one go, and the Ex didn’t like them as much as I would have thought either.
What everyone DID like? The Orange vitamin C Vitarocks! The box didn’t last very long for all of us, and the kids are begging me to buy more. Wooooo @_@ So I will likely buy them some, extra vitamin C when they get back to school for some added protection from colds?
To Go! Brands also has some recipes for healthy drinks for some of their products to make it more than just used with water. Make them extra awesome!
Your kids may not be as picky as mine and actually may love the Cherry Blast Vitarocks as much as my kids loved the Vitamin C Vitarocks. Considering my kids can take typical kids chew-able vitamins and I can’t? It says something yes?
I would recommend the Vitamin C rocks the most as they’re the ones the kids LOVED, and the Cherry Blast because they’re really not too bad, just too strong for our liking. But the C ones for absolute certain. 🙂
Want to read more reviews about OTHER To Go! Brands products?? Check out the Linky list below!
I received this product through Karma Media in exchange for my honest review.
this is an interesting concept, but i am a bit concerned about having medication be confused with candy. it could lead to accidental over or misuse.
Amy, all of my kids (6 – 11 currently) understood that they’re vitamins and they can’t have them more than once a day. Still, just like their daily vitamin (since they didn’t like the daily type vitamin vitarocks, just the vitamin C type) I keep t hem out of reach and give them on my own
This would be a neat idea for older kids. My oldest is 2 and I think she would freak out if she tried any pop rocks.