” The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland… Most people who go there think, “Wait… no one else is here… why am I doing this?” and leave… Make the extra phone call. Send the extra email. Do the extra research… Don’t wait to be asked; offer. Every time you do something, think of one extra thing you can do…”
Jeff Haden, Inc. Magazine
This can obviously apply to more than just business and school. Though it sounds a bit like it’s geared towards it. There is a lot in life that can be made better with the ‘extra mile’, don’t you agree?
Today, try and do one thing with going that extra mile, and see how it goes. Try one a day for a week, and then maybe two. Depending on how it works out! I plan on trying it!
The picture is just Lisi back when she was super little, playing in the snow and offering me her glove with an ‘uh-oh!’ after it fell off. There are lots of footsteps in the snow, so I figure it works for the ‘going an extra mile’ because she was going. I have no idea. >.>;
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