I was lucky enough to be chosen to review a locket from Gothic Innocence. Well I say “I”, but what really happened is that Kat fell in love with the locket when I opened the package. So while I am writing the review, I am writing it from my standpoint and the pictures are obviously Kat, and not me. Because it’s hers now. She may bite off my fingers if I try and take it. (I kid!)
The locket I…err… WE got was this skeleton girl cameo locket. Gothic Innocence has all sorts of lockets that are pretty, but a little more ‘edgy’ than your standard locket. Of course they also have pins/pendants, and some chain necklaces as well. The ball chain that Kat’s cameo locket is hanging from is actually from my stash of the ones I use when I make (and sell) scrabble tile necklaces. Thank goodness I had some left! 😉 These don’t only come in white like you see, actually Gothic Innocence says that they can customize the cameo’s with over 40 colors!

I'm not sure why really, but I love this picture.
I don’t actually have a picture of the inside of the locket, because… it’s a locket, and there is nothing inside right now. Kay asked me “what do you put inside?” and when I answered “pictures of people” her answer was “Wow! They must need really small heads!” Had I been drinking anything, I would have snorted it out my nose at that one. I had to tell her they can print pictures small enough sized that they’ll fit in a locket!

My mom wont stop taking pictures, I just want to enjoy my cool necklace now!
I think the locket suits her pretty well actually! I don’t wear much in the way of jewelry at all, but Kat really does love to wear lots of things like I used to back in my pre-teen days.
Admittedly, part of me was a little jealous she fell more in love with this than I did. But since she liked it better than I did… and it’s not that I don’t like it.. but that she LOVES it, I let her have it.
That’s one of the nice parts about being able to do reviews and things, I have other people I can use as “guinea pigs” for them to help me back my opinion with theirs and they’re real people that I know. 😛
Now then! Gothic Innocence is holding a giveaway over my blog and a few others. They are giving away 17 pieces total and the giveaway ends at 5/27/12 on 11:59 PM EST!
We’re just going to go ahead and use rafflecopter, as usual, to do this giveaway!
As a member of Karma Media I received this product from Gothic Innocence in hopes of my writing a review. All opinions are my own, well and obviously Kat’s too…
I love the fairy and flowers on the blue background! Thanks for the great giveaway!
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=428461920502231&set=a.198519453496480.57877.198519136829845&type=3&theater The Fairy on the blue background
Wow–how could you just choose one?!
I love the fairies on the light blue background–they remind me of my grandmother’s wedgewood china!
Great red elegant gothic lady
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=205378696143889&set=a.205536622794763.61373.198519136829845&type=3&theater This one is awsome.The Fairy on black
Personally I like the angel better. It is a symbol of to me more of the Gothic lifestyle. I have seen more Goth people with Angels and Hearts.
Good luck all who enter and thank you guys for holding this drawing….