Come 8:00 AM Saturday morning we’ll officially be moving. My ex (not ex-husband) is helping with it all, thank goodness for that. Then come shortly after lunch my Dad and Brother will be helping as well. Our goal is to get a uhaul of boxes and things moved over before the guys show up, and then we’ll be working on furniture or they can work on the furniture portion while I work on cleaning up messes that we can’t get to right now because boxes are all over the stinkin place!

This is the new place, from the back. Nice big fenced back yard for the kids. YAY!
I am getting a couple more boxes today, to fully pack up the kitchen… and I never thought I’d say this but I actually MISS cooking! I’m tired of sandwiches, frozen stuff, and racking up credit card debt just to keep eating fast food. I haven’t been able to stay gluten-free right now, and I feel a bit awful.
Once we’re moved and settled, it’s back on it for me. I even miss staying up late and packing lunches for the kids. Though now I plan to actually… pack at a decent hour. Make extra’s of dinner, something like that. I just have to… get to the point where it matters.
Of course due to stress I’ve also gotten sick with a cold… flu… thing?! I have no idea, I just know I am tired, sore, stuffy, brain fogged and still attempting to run around like I’m actually able to be useful right now.
Thank goodness the end of my homework was Sunday! I ended up with all A’s, whew, my 4.0 is safe at least.
Aussie (fiance) is gone from his home right now. He’s actually down in Sydney needing a required Dr’s exam and shots because down where he is they didn’t keep track of immunizations until, get this, 1996!! What the hey?! Even I can get my immunizations. 🙁 Poor guy will have one sore arm that’s for sure. Then tomorrow he’s heading back to Tamworth where he lives, and back to work the day after that. @_@
He’s so busy too, and it’s been hard to connect because we’re living so very different stresses right now… It’s… actually kind of sad and difficult. Living two different lives is harder in the hardest moments.
Hopefully… it will all be over soon. Though thanks to moving the wedding will now likely be…. super small, though I still hope to have some sort of cute little reception. All I can really do is hope.

An actual fireplace!
This picture here is the upstairs fireplace room-thing. I’ll have one of my computers and my drawing desk up here. Downstairs is where the TV and couches will be, and the other half of the downstairs family roomish area will be the kids’ playroom type area. Aka, where the lego table and the kids’ bookshelf will go.
I think I will have the girls keep their littlest petshop things actually in their bedrooms for now. That way they can have privacy, and if they’re playing with them I don’t have to see them possible left for seriously weeks because “we’re not done playing yet!” … at least if they can hide that ‘mess’ in their bedroom, I’ll be satisfied to an extent. *Picky me!*
It’s not shown in the picture, but there is one of those gate things for the fireplace. Our Futon will go up here too, so people can sit at watch the fire. <3
The only other time we had a fireplace was one of those ‘gas’ ones. It was basically a heater that pushed out hot air as a fire-ish light-show type thing went on! Like one of those moving images you see for a beer advertisement with the running water. But really fakey flames. Yep..
Ohhh I can’t wait to have a fire going, and it in the background when I take Christmas card pictures this year!!
I’m also happy that I’ll finally again be in a place where the bathrooms have windows! @_@ The past three places we’ve lived haven’t had a bathroom window. Which makes bathrooms seem really… creepy to me. Yeah, I’m strange. I know it.
I know it’s Wednesday and all that. Hopefully I’ll have a moment where I can throw together a Wordless Wednesday post. Even if just a small one.
I think from now on Turkey Tuesday may be split back and forth as being “Tutorial Tuesday” and then “Tutor Tuesday”. So, I’ll write up and do crafty type tutorials and things every other week, and then Japanese “tutoring” aka lessons the other weeks. Not sure what I’ll do Thursdays, but I’ll figure something out.
Ohh maybe “Tasty Thursday”? Recipes or something like that. If I had more recipes that I’d modified or something. Then again… that really is stuff to worry about later. I just really felt the need to post today. It’s been one of those…. months really. May has been stressful so far and we’re hardly through any of it! @_@
I could really use some chocolate right about now. 😛
Good Luck with the move.