6 Products, 1 Price: Free! A new offer just in time for spring. 6 FREE Products! Choose from business cards, stamps, t-shirts, sticky notes, flip books and tote bags!
The products are FREE, just pay for shipping and processing. Design a flipbook of all of your winter photos to keep your memories close at hand. Tote all of your belongings with a customized tote bag.
Great for gifts or to keep for yourself, Vistaprint’s 6 free products are personalized and affordable!
Who doesn’t want any of these things? I personally love getting the business cards, stamp, and sticky notes. The totebag sounds really good and I want to get one to give to the oldest for carrying some of her ‘swag’ around in! Plus a T-shirt, well… free t-shirts are generally awesome. 😉
Thank you for reminding me about Vista print, I forget that they have great ideas and prices! Thanks!
I love these deals thanks so much for posting! I’m trying to promote my home based business and these could really help 🙂