Sorry about that! Aside from just in general being busy with getting to the end of the semester, kids, life in general, and all that jazz… I’ve been in pain because I wasn’t dancing using proper posture and then I had to lift in three 65lb boxes of dresser parts into the house. This past week has been a bit killer and so aside from giveaways and other posts like that. I haven’t really gotten around to saying much. I forgot wordless Wednesday and didn’t even mention that ‘Ruuny came home and is doing okay.
He’s actually starting to get energy back, and played fetch with Sis earlier today for a little bit. Which was great to see! He even brought the rice sock to me one time so that I could play too. He’s so stinkin’ cute it kills me!
Let’s see… On Monday during dance class we were learning tap, I made a funky landing on our ‘shuffle hop’ onto my left leg, which jolted my hip pretty oddly. I managed out the rest of the class… decently enough. I still had things to do and just didn’t get to rest much that day. Tuesday was another busy day and my leg was starting to get sore. Uh oh… so I tried to take it easy in the evening. It didn’t work out very well.
I woke up Wednesday in agony that spread down my left hip down to my toes, so after a warm shower I napped with ‘Ruuny and prayed that I’d feel well enough for class. It didn’t help at all, I was stiff and sore, walking was agony enough… yet I still went to class. I was ‘decent’ at the beginning, but the further along class went the harder it was to focus on the steps and eventually… Sheryl just had me sit out. I was disappointed to say the least, but I couldn’t shuffle hop without it just killing me!
I did manage to stand up and work slowly and with lack of actual decent foot work for the Hukilau and the Tarantella, but I couldn’t do the one I wanted to do… the Tap!! I left the class… pretty much limping. Though I’ve tried to be careful since then, I REALLY needed to get the kids dressers built, they’ve been using some older plastic drawer things (the two youngest) for awhile because they didn’t really need as much space. However they’re older now and have a fair bit of clothing, so they NEEDED the space. Plus the big girls were sharing this long/wide dressers and just didn’t have enough space either.
Moving in 65lb boxes by yourself is NOT a good idea. Okay? Yeesh, that’s probably an obvious point but I had to make it up 7 stairs outside in order to get the boxes in. I took a bath to soak but… today I am hurting all over. Aside from the legs… which I did some yoga poses to help with my back in order to get that pain down. But I feel like I’ve been beaten up and crushed a bit. @_@
Last night I took it as easy as possible… aside from walking around the store with the kids and being sore by the end of it. Then we sat around and watched a movie (sans Kat, who spent the night with her friend ‘A’). We wanted to watch Chipwrecked, because it’s on DVD so I figured it’d be OnDemand? Nope, we just ended up with the first Chipmunk’s movie. With Mint Chocolate Chip milk shakes, and a little bit of 50% off Easter Candy.
It just seemed like ‘one of those ice cream kind of nights’ after my bath last night. Not sure why.
Anyway! I wanted to show this on Wordless Wednesday. Sis wanted blue hair, so… Blue hair she has! I didn’t bleach her hair first, so it wont last forever… and she was super duper tired the day I took this picture. Still… she’d adorable. 😛
Mom, I’m trying to eat!
Ah, well that’s enough for now. I think I had more to say but I can’t really remember it! @_@ I think a long soak in a hot tub would do me wonders. Too bad I don’t have one I can soak in!
Sounds like you’ve had some rough days! Hope you get to feeling better soon. 🙂
The blue hair is very cool!!! =)
Thank you! ^_^