I completely forgot about ‘having to do’ this project with Var for school. Which means that it came down to me myself doing it. Then again, we’re usually pretty busy, and after school we have about 4.5 hours before it’s bedtime.
There’s homework, dinner, chores, relaxation … because let’s face it. EVERYONE needs some darn relaxation after a day of school, kids included, I am not going to make them spend all their time doing stuff.
It’s good to just veg. Sometimes. A little every day.
That and 5 hours of PSR every week for Var cuts down on our time to do things, as does my homework, and the fact that.. I forgot until someone on a forum I call my forum home mentioned them.
Ohhh no, I could have worked on it last night. But I told myself, today was the day. Today (Thursday) would be the day Var and I would do this in one go, so by tomorrow (err, probably today in most places), Friday, he could have it for class.
I didn’t even know what these darn things were, nor the point, having never ever done them before. Oi, is there a way I can just keep this thing in the closet so I don’t have to remake one next year?
Actually, come to think of it, Lis would likely want to make this on her own, with lots and lots of stuff and prettiness. It’d probably turn up pink. Or with pink on it. More than I put on Var’s anyway…
Without further adieu, here is the Leprechaun trap. Made out of an old diaper wipe box, left over green corduroy, mod-podge, glitter, gems, gold ribbon, plastic shrink paper (unshrunk) to keep the rainbow rigid and cotton balls. Oh and hemp cord braided to be a rope.
Basically, the Leprechaun is going to need to use the rope to climb/swing down to the pile of gold and cereal. However, in doing so they’re going to pull the lid shut on themselves, dislodging the stick you see (because the lid doesn’t stay up well without it.) and keeping them trapped in.
Even though they could attempt to climb back up the rope, their weight would make the lid impossible to open back up. Bwahahaha, *ahem* yes, I know this is just pretend. Really I do.

Brown shipping paper to look like dirt, as if this is a hole in the ground. The gold pile is mostly this really shiny ribbon/cord boiled/bundled up with some gold/orange-ish gems glued in for emphasis.
That’s the inside of the thing, they mentioned on the paper that “Leprechaun’s love lucky charms!” Well, I wasn’t about to go buy a box of cereal just for this project, and I figure if the kids don’t mind the bagged not name brand cereal then the leprechaun’s shouldn’t either. So instead, we have Marshmallow Mateys. Enjoy Leprechaun’s.
Oh, and please forgive the quality of my photos. I lent my brother my camera weeks ago, and I’m not sure if he’s done with it quite yet. I may just need to buy myself a new one.
I’ll leave you off with just two more images, for the fun of it. Because I can. 😛
I don’t think I’ve actually shown my real face yet on here. Have I? I actually I’ve most of my makeup off in this picture. But this is what I look like after working on this project. Of course, the cuter sight is this one…
My currently insistent lap-cat. Usually she doesn’t spent much time with anyone. But lately, she doesn’t want to leave me alone!
I think about now is a good time for Tori and I to say goodnight!
So, Oyasuminasai minna-san!
(Goodnight/Get some rest everyone!)
Ja matta ashita~ (see you tomorrow~)
Just stumbled on to this post while browsing your blog…this idea is too cute & very entertaining. Hope you successfully caught that little guy & stole his pot of gold! haha 🙂
LOVE this post!! I had never heard of leprechaun traps until my 5 yr old grandson came home from school to tell me all about his day. This one…it is stellar, I can just see the little critters trying to get out – hmmmm Yes I too know that this is just make believe…..
I know, I’ll have to probably work on another one this year. Or maybe Lisi will do it since she likes doing stuff 😉
Wow! this is a neat trap 😉 are those Lucky Charms!!!??
They’re the store brand type yes! 😉
I have never heard of such a thing but it is awesome lol lol. You did a good job on it also. I assume after all this time the glitter did come off lol
Cute project to do with the kids during this time of year.
I can’t wait….