Aussie has been here for a few days now. Actually it’s only been about two and a half in total. It feels like he just belongs here, but sometimes there is a disconnect that doesn’t work. The having spent almost a year apart physically has really given us some problems on a more personal and intimate level. Sometimes, I feel awful when I think ‘you should be more physically affectionate.’ or something like that. When I feel more timid and nervous after so much time apart, at least sometimes.
On top of that, in general everyone is a bit ill here. Coughing, sneezing, stuffiness, and things like that. So it’s been making just about everyone a bit fussy and worn down.
I’m nervous about my quiz this afternoon. It’s just about 10AM here and come 2:30PM I will have this quiz and I feel sick to my stomach with worry over it. Like no matter what I’ve prepared and how much I’ve done studying wise… that I am going to bomb it with another B and I don’t know how I will handle that possibility. Perhaps I am just putting too much stress on myself. It’s not like I haven’t done the work, and haven’t studied…
I just am in no way ever going to go into work where a heavy emphasis on sociology is needed. I could never study another class like this again. Well I could, but I simply have no desire to try and do this again. Tch, go figure. 😉
Well, off to study some more and maybe take a little rest because I only got a total of 5 hours of sleep. Right before a test this is not a good idea in the slightest. 😛
Enjoy all the contests going on this week! There are a few more actually just about to come up actually! So look forward to those and good luck to everyone who enters!! I love getting to be a part of these things!
Within the next week and a half or so, I have some product reviews coming up. One of them even includes a giveaway! 😀
Showing some Love from Sweet Pea Saving! Stomp!