It’s hard to believe it’s already Friday. At the same time I couldn’t be more happy for the weekend. If only because I have a massive amount of reading I need to do in order to get my next assignment done for East Asian History and Civilization. Alright, and I want an excuse to sleep in past 7:15 without being late somewhere. >.>
As February marches on I can’t help but be excited! Even if a small part of me is bumming at my birthday looming a month away, in 10 days something great is going to happen. My Aussie is coming ‘home’! Though it’s only for 21 days, we’re happy that he’s able to get any time at all to come and visit while we wait for the long process of approval by immigration to allow him to move here. We had hoped originally, that he could be here for good come right before the New Year as we wanted to get married on January second (1/2/12 get it?) then, when that didn’t seem possible we wanted to move the date to July 5th. Because what better way to celebrate getting married than being able to light off a bunch of fireworks right afterward?
Right now though, we’ll be lucky if we get married on our Anniversary, which is August 1st. If not, our goal is for sure before the summer holiday is up and the kids return to school for the fall. I’m excited, nervous and also a bit annoyed at myself for slacking on dropping weight to look smoking on my wedding day. All in good time I guess, and I’m allowing myself to get a bit more used to my new medication before I try anything too drastic self wise. I know how easy it to be overwhelmed with everything going on. Though yikes! I have 8 months and at this time, it seems like I am going to need to start shooting at my feet to get myself moving for more than just dance class. @_@
Don’t forget to enter my $25 Amazon GC giveaway in celebration of acing my dance class test on Wednesday!
Came to follow from The Second Thought ( 🙂 Found you on MBS!
Thank you so much! I’ve gone ahead to look at your blog too!