We’re fortunate enough to live in a city with a bit of wildlife down where I live. We live right next to a historical hiking area and just 0.2 miles from the lake, and a little public beach area.
Thanks to living so close to Tubbs hill, we get the pleasure of having our yard either graced with the presence of many deer/doe and what we like to call the WTG (Wild Turkey Gang.)
When we first moved to this house a couple of years ago, there were maybe 8 turkey that roamed the streets. Showing up in yards and pecking at the grass. Sometimes just standing in the road to stare down your car as you waited for them to move.
This year, their numbers are 24+! I couldn’t really count because they kept moving and of course someone had to come speeding down the street in the direction of the WTG, causing them to scurry off!
Note, you can click on the pictures to see them in full size!
Though sadly you can hardly see it, there is a mother Turkey, and three little ones! This was taken from pretty close up, they were across the street as I was about to get the kids to school one morning.
Sometimes, we’re able to drive right up, stop and see them from the car on our drive home from someplace. I can never resist pulling out my phone to snap a quick picture of the gang!
One morning, there were a bunch of them right in our front yard!
They were brave enough to get a little closer, and I stepped a little closer as well.
Sadly, shortly after this pic a truck sped up the cross street there, scaring them off. 🙁 Darn!
Interestingly enough, the first year we were here we assumed the Turkey’s were a pet of someone in the neighborhood. Just a free-roaming type of pet and all. However, not long ago I noticed the people I thought they belonged too chasing them out of their yard with a broom! Yikes! It’s okay WTG, you can come over our yard whenever you want!
Nice to read your blog