As you know Sisi happens to be the self proclaimed biggest fan of Spider-man. Though she doesn’t want to watch the new movie, because it’s not Tobey. Who she believes is the best man for the part!
It’s hard to find Spider-man things with a girly flair without spending tons of money on something you’d want to look the way I wanted this to look. You can get a basic spider-man dress, or a women’s one over on Etsy… but I wanted something more specific. I had my own plot in mind and just went from there. No patterns, just go from what I wanted and pray it works!
Of course this was difficult to make without Sisi home, as I started this last week when she was over at the ex-husbands place and had to wait to finish for when I had her for correct sizing purposes. Which thank goodness I did! Because I had a few things that REALLY needed my help!
I kind of went for the peasant dress type look, at least with the basic top, but I was originally going to ruffle around the shoulder straps… but I ended up needing to shorten them a fair bit, so I am glad I decided against the ruffled idea.
I’ve done a more basic two-tiered dress like this before, with sleeves and without the rise to the middle of the first skirt layer. But I wanted to be able to see more of the second skirt.
Originally, the first skirt was supposed to be the same fabric as the bodice. But it’s a hard to find fabric, and.. wouldn’t you know. I cut two of the same piece instead of two pieces that could be put together to form the swagged top skirt. D: I was so sad! I am considering making her a headband with the messed up original skirt pieces though. That shouldn’t be too hard in theory.
I would like to take a moment to thank the fine ladies at the local Jo-Ann’s to helped me decide which of my two new spider-man fabrics to use for the top skirt. Since we couldn’t locate the original fabric at all. I think this looks cute together and I can’t wait to show you girls!
I ended up not liking the plainness of the bodice, so I decided to make and add a bow! Sis is so happy with it that she decided she just had to wear it right away. <3
I used a total of four Spider-man fabrics for the dress, as well as the light blue to add some difference, that still went together but wasn’t just busy fabric all over the place. 🙂
Thanks for looking!
Great dress. You did an amazing job.
Adorale! and I love that she’s a Spidey fan! 🙂
That dress is very adorable and I can’t believe you made that all your own!
This turned out GORGEOUS….I’m a custom buying momma and this looks just as good as anything I’ve purchased 🙂
That turned out really awesome! I have a 4 year old daughter who has became obsessed with Spiderman and there is really nothing girly I can find for her lol
That dress is adorable :D! The new spider-man movie was actually pretty good 🙂
Wow! You don’t hear about too many girls who like Spiderman. My girls like superheroes because they are surrounded by guys who love them but I don’t think they’d wear a dress. You make good dresses!
This is great! Girls should be able to wear Spidey, too!