Sometimes it’s hard to remember to drink enough water. Before I really got into coffee I drank more than enough water and I think it helped me lose weight… then I put all the weight back on, and I know I don’t get nearly enough water now…
Reduce was so kind to send me a WaterWeek Villa set (in order to facilitate this review, no other compensation was gained, promise!), which is a 5 day water bottle set made from BPA free plastic. The bottles fit in their own nice neat little fridge tray, and are dishwasher safe. Of course the kids all wanted to pick ‘their own’ bottle to claim as theirs. sigh But at least I know they’re actually DRINKING water.
Not that I have any issues with Kat drinking water, thankfully she drinks it like it’s going out of style. The bottles hold 16oz each, which at my weight, if I drank one ounce of water for every 2lbs of me… It would take 7.5 of these bottles. Woah… Needless to say I am not drinking 7 1/2 of these a day, but they’re a good reminder to grab it from the fridge and take a quick drink. Plus the nicely patterned bottles seem to somehow convince Var that he needs to drink water.
This is in theory a “Five day” set. Which I can see if you are grabbing one before work every day. Which… is likely the entire point. ^_^;; As someone who works from home sometimes I forget the very basics of 5 day work week!
Var hates water. Seriously, he suffered heat exhaustion a couple times this summer because he didn’t want to drink water. sigh
The only problem I’ve had with this idea is making sure the kids return the bottles to the darn kitchen so they can be washed, refilled and placed back in the fridge for someone to easily get some cold water.
Other than that? What can I say? I think I need at least four more sets and a secondary fridge just to water. We all like it cold here anyway, water I mean, not the temperature. This so cold it’s going to snow stuff can go away forever now. 😛
They of course have different patterns/designs. They also have kids bottles! Like I said.. I really need a secondary fridge. A mini-fridge! Yes!! A mini-fridge just for WaterWeek bottles!
What kind of water bottles do you use? Do you just buy the ones from the store that you can recycle or toss? For $19.99 you can make the switch to reusable bottles! Wel, $16.99 for the kids ones. 🙂
We keep a 2 liter bottle at our desks, and fill it several times during the day. These would be great for traveling. And yes you need to drink more water. 🙂
Anarii recently posted…Pillows
Yeah, I need a mini-fridge next to my desk so I can have constant access to COLD water. It doesn’t help that my freezer does not make its own ice, or have a water dispenser like someone I know… hmmm… I wonder who that could be!! 😉
I use a Britta water filter and always keep plenty of cold water on hand. I drink too much water. From the time I get, til I go to bed I have my cup with me.
I have a water filter pitcher thing in the fridge, but it just doesn’t cover enough water for those of us who use it. XD