With Risi’s birth drawing closer I really had the idea to get a heavy baby influence on my 2013 Holiday Gift Guide.
One of the companies I am super pleased to work with is Blanket My Baby!
Which provided me… well Risi really, with an adorable blanket from their Angel Dear line. I had a hard time picking which Angel Dear I wanted, but went ahead and opted for this adorable Angle Dear Bunny blanket!
Blanket My Baby also offers Sleep sacks and Organic blankets!
Isn’t it just the sweetest?! Of course it’s also personalized with her name on it, and I wanted a script font because I just love scripty fonts. Much better than standard block fonts, at least when it comes to cute things for babies… baby girls in particular. Can you tell I love having so many little girls? They just get the cutest things ever!
Then again they have come out with some cute boy products over the years, I still prefer cute girl things over the generally sporty themes they try and throw at little boys.
I’m saving this little lovey for when Risi is actually a little older, since she’s only 12 days old she doesn’t exactly do a ton… so appreciating something this cute is about a month or so out at this point. I still love to have it around as it’s adorable, and can’t wait until she gets to snuggle and love it. In the mean time I get to snuggle and love it so that it smells like me, and can be soothing for her soon enough.
Blanket My Baby is one of the sponsors in my Holiday Gift Guide who is providing a prize to the giveaway winner! Keep your eye out for the Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway coming later this month!
You can connect with BMB on Facebook and Twitter!